

You may feel surprised again when you receive this letter. I remeber that I once wrote a family letter when I was in high school. I don't know how you felt when you received that letter, and what's your feeling when you receive this letter now.

How time flies! I've become a college student already, no longer the naughty child at home. I have really grown up, and you are getting old.

I'm fine here although the city is a little strange to me. I get along well with schoolmates and teachers. Now I'm a little overweight but I'm controlling the weight right now.

Dad, I hope you don't drink too much, and don't smoke. Mom, make sure not to work too hard.

I wish you good health. I'll go home soon on vacation.

Best wishes

第1个回答  2009-11-23
Perhaps you received this letter at the old couple will be surprised. I remember in high school wrote a letter that I do not know the letter was received what it feels like you are now received this letter is what it feels like.
Twinkling of an eye, I have read undergraduate, and trouble at home is no longer a child, I have indeed grown up, you are indeed old.
I'm here quite good, though some strange city, students get along with teachers more cordial. I am now a bit fat, but the ongoing weight control.
Hope that the father will not drink too much, not to smoke, the mother should be careful not to too much strain and work of the.
I wish their parents good health, I will soon be able to leave home
Closed Nobuyoshi
第2个回答  2009-11-23
it maybe a suprise for you two again when you receive this letter. I remember I wrote you a letter when I was in high school, i didn't know what was your feeling when you read it, and what's your feeling you read the letter I send you this time.

time flies, now I am a banchlor student, and i am not a naughty boy any more, I grown up, and you became older too.

I am pretty well here, although i am still a stranger in this city, but the relationship between my classmates and i is very good. i am bigger, but i am trying to control my weight.

i wish my dad could drink little, and quit smoking, and my my mother, please don't be too tired.

I sincerely wish my parents a good health! I will be at home soon.

xinjia bi
第3个回答  2009-11-24
网上好多翻译文章的, 你去搜索一下啊,。 雅虎的好像好用些!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 自己动手,丰衣足食