

The development of social large-scale production and scientific and technological progress have brought social and living conditions out the tremendous changes in the superstructure.

Infringing on the legal system, high-risk operations virulence areas of responsibility of the establishment of no-fault principle of eye-catching.

This article discusses the high-risk operations to the content of high-risk operations of the main responsibilities, high-risk operations of a liability for damages and a high degree of risk and the principle of attribution of responsibility for the exemption subject matter, should not rule out the possibility of a no-fault liability for the principle of free Select the subject, while the innocent victims of intentional principle of the responsibility as the sole subject of the exemption. Final note on the high-risk operations lead to infringement damages and the balance of interests.
回答者:家诺 - 高级魔法师 六级 5-16 17:33
200 points ask everybody to help me to translate, teacher was urgently needed, thanks! (does not want the machine translation, thanks! ) the socialized big production's development and science's and technology's progress has brought the social life condition and the overtop structure immense changes. Speaking of the right infringement legal regime, the highly dangerous work sends harms the responsibility domain non-mistake principle the establishment to be amazing. This article elaborated the highly dangerous work to send the connotation, the highly dangerous work responsibility main body, the highly dangerous work damage compensate responsibility constitution, the highly dangerous responsibility turned over to the responsibility principle and the relief matter, should remove cannot anti-to take the non-mistake responsibility principle the relief matter, but took intentionally the victim the non-mistake responsibility principle the only relief matter. Finally explained causes the right infringement about the highly dangerous work the damage compensate and the benefit is balanced
第1个回答  2008-05-16

The development of social large-scale production and scientific and technological progress have brought social and living conditions out the tremendous changes in the superstructure.

Infringing on the legal system, high-risk operations virulence areas of responsibility of the establishment of no-fault principle of eye-catching.

This article discusses the high-risk operations to the content of high-risk operations of the main responsibilities, high-risk operations of a liability for damages and a high degree of risk and the principle of attribution of responsibility for the exemption subject matter, should not rule out the possibility of a no-fault liability for the principle of free Select the subject, while the innocent victims of intentional principle of the responsibility as the sole subject of the exemption. Final note on the high-risk operations lead to infringement damages and the balance of interests.本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2008-05-16
The technical progress of acculturate the development and science of the big production brought the huge variety of[with] the social activities condition and its superstructure.In regard to the infringement law system, highly dangerous homework with the result that harm the responsibility realm a person to focus attention without the establishment of the fault principle ream.This text discussed highly dangerous homework with the result that the composing of the responsibility corpus,the highly dangerous homework indemnity responsibility of its content,highly dangerous homework, the highly dangerous responsibility returns the responsibility principle with don't need the responsibility origin of matter, should expel can't the anti- doesn't need the responsibility origin of matter without the fault responsibility principle for conduct and actions, but will victimize a person Be without the fault responsibility principle to doesn't need responsibility origin of matter uniquely intentionally.Explained concerning the indemnity and its benefits balance that the highly dangerous homework causes an infringement finally.

第3个回答  2008-05-16
200 points ask everybody to help me to translate, teacher was urgently needed, thanks! (does not want the machine translation, thanks! ) the socialized big production's development and science's and technology's progress has brought the social life condition and the overtop structure immense changes. Speaking of the right infringement legal regime, the highly dangerous work sends harms the responsibility domain non-mistake principle the establishment to be amazing. This article elaborated the highly dangerous work to send the connotation, the highly dangerous work responsibility main body, the highly dangerous work damage compensate responsibility constitution, the highly dangerous responsibility turned over to the responsibility principle and the relief matter, should remove cannot anti-to take the non-mistake responsibility principle the relief matter, but took intentionally the victim the non-mistake responsibility principle the only relief matter. Finally explained causes the right infringement about the highly dangerous work the damage compensate and the benefit is balanced
第4个回答  2008-05-16
The development of the large-scale social production and progress of the science and technology have brought the social living condition and superstructural enormous change. Infringe legal system, dangerous homework cause, hurt responsibility field have fault foundation of principle attract people's attention highly. This text expound the fact intension that dangerous homework cause highly, highly dangerous responsible host of homework, highly dangerous homework compensation for damage composition of responsibility, highly to exempt responsibility origin of an incident responsibility principle dangerous responsibility, should get rid of, can't resist for as have fault responsibility principle avoid the origin of an incident of the responsibility, on purpose as have fault responsibility exempting the origin of an incident of the responsibility only of principle victim. Proved finally compensation for damage and interests regarding the highly dangerous homework results in infringing are balanced.