在线等、高分求英语大神帮忙翻译(英译汉)~医学方向..,翻译器有道神马的就别来了~了 RNA i


RNA interference. Although procedureshave been previously described37,38,
RNAi experiments with adult parasites were based on methods optimized for
schistosomula39. Briefly, in vitro cultured parasites were soaked with 20–30 mg
of dsRNA freshly added on days 1–3 and every 5–6days thereafter. As a negative
control, animals were soaked with dsRNA synthesized from the ccdB and camRcontaining
insert of pJC53.2 (ref. 29). dsRNA synthesis was performed as previously
described29. Sequences used to generate dsRNAs are provided in
Supplementary Fig. 9. To measure mRNA levels, tot

RNA interference.
Although procedures have been previously described [37, 38], RNAi experiments with adult parasites were based on methods optimized for schistosomula [39].
尽管先前已对程序作了描述[37, 38],成人寄生虫RNAi(核糖核酸干扰)实验是基于血吸虫童虫的优化方法的[39]。
Briefly, in vitro cultured parasites were soaked with 20–30 mg of dsRNA freshly added on days 1–3 and every 5–6 days thereafter.
As a negative control, animals were soaked with dsRNA synthesized from the ccdB and camR containing insert of pJC53.2 (ref. 29).
dsRNA synthesis was performed as previously described [29]. Sequences used to generate dsRNAs are provided in Supplementary Fig. 9.
To measure mRNA levels, total RNA from control and knockdown parasites (, 8 male posterior somatic fragments) was reverse transcribed (iScript cDNA Synthesis kit, Bio-Rad) and quantitative real-time PCR was performed on an Applied Bio-systems Step One Plus instrument using GoTaq qPCR Master Mix with SYBR green (Promega).
Transcript levels were normalized to the mRNA levels of proteasome subunit beta type-4 (smp_056500).
Relative quantities were calculated using the DDCt calculation in the Step One Plus software. Oligonucleotide primer sequences are listed in Supplementary Table 3.
用一步加(Step One Plus)软件中的 DDCt计算法对相对量进行计算。寡核苷酸基本序列列于补充表3中。追问

