

In the early 1990s, before the rest of the world heard about the Internet, the primary source of technical hype and excitement was “virtual reality”. Early virtual reality systems showed exciting promise, but most implementations were expensive, fragile, and immature . In the mid-to-late 1990s, as the public began streaming onto the Internet, virtual reality was most often popularly associated with VRML, an attempt to merge the display technologies of virtual reality with the networking technologies of the Web . Today, virtual reality lives on in the form of massively multiplayer virtual worlds, systems that allow hundreds of thousands of distributed users to participate in rich entertainment simulations. It is the interactive entertainment, or game, industry that acts as the primary driving force for innovation in this space.

在90年代初,在世界听到互联网技术的主要来源地,经常出现"虚拟现实". 虚拟实境展示系统初期兴奋答应,但执行最昂贵而脆弱的,不够成熟. 中期到90年代后期,随着市民开始分流上网、虚拟现实是民众最常与VRML,企图将展示虚拟现实技术与网络技术的网络. 今天,生活在虚拟的形式大量虚拟热潮制度,使成千上万的用户分发丰富的娱乐参与模拟. 这是互动娱乐、游戏、行业行为为主要动力,这种创新的空间.

UO2 is Origin System’s next-generation virtual world, an imaginary planet inhabited by all manner of fantastic, mythical, and technological creatures, places, and things. To enter this world, users run client software locally, connect to remote UO2 servers, and create one or more player character avatars. Player characters are highly customizable alternate identities who can walk around, talk, interact with objects, fight with other characters, learn new skills, and generally live life under the direction of the user. While characters start off life with basic skills, abilities, and equipment, they gradually become more powerful through exploration of the virtual world, battling monsters and opponents, and solving quests.

UO2来源是系统的新一代虚拟世界里,居住着一个虚构的星球各种美妙、神秘、生物技术、地、事. 进入这个世界,客户管理软件,用户在当地UO2远程服务器连接,并建立一个或多个虚拟角色性格. 人物高度文明候补球员身份谁能走走,讲互动物体,跟其他人物,学习新技能,一般生活居住的指导下使用. 虽然起步字基本生活技能、能力和装备,逐渐变得更加强大,通过探索虚拟世界和怪兽作战对手,摸索解决.

The new world of UO2 builds on the legacy of the swords and sorcery Ultima fiction originally created by Richard Garriott [1]. Like the original Ultima Online, UO2 brings thousands of players together in an artificial world. However, in addition to adding new chapters to the Ultima story, UO2 also expands on several technical fronts, enabling a system flexible enough for the rapid creation of many future virtual worlds. The system has an entirely new technological foundation of a robust server architecture and network protocol on the back end and an advanced real-time 3D graphics engine on the front end. Further, UO2 combines a highly data-driven design with simulation classes on both client and server, using the standard and well supported dynamic object oriented language, Python.

依据新的世界遗产UO2的衣服,把原来的小说终极RichardGarriott1. 如原终极Online,使成千上万UO2球员一起人为的世界. 不过,除了增加新的章节>增刊,UO2还就一些技术领域扩展,为使系统灵活快速创建未来许多虚拟世界. 一个全新的制度基础,健全科技服务体系和网络协议的终止和恢复先进的实时三维图形引擎的前端. 还结合高度UO2数据驱动的设计与仿真两班、客户服务、支持和使用的标准与动态面向对象语言,参展.
第1个回答  2006-05-07
The effect of online games on teenagers in China

By XY 042829

With the development of Internet, more and more Chinese teenagers find great interested in playing the online games. The games themselves are amazing, fantastic and absorbing enough to relax the busy students form school’s stress. However, many bad news about it mushrooms on all kinds of medias. Whether the online games are good or whether they are bad, their effects are full of our lives.

The online games are admirably designed. The teenagers are not only fond of the games’ beautiful pictures, fantastic background stories and amazing music, but also fond of the environment that they could play together with other gamers who come form almost all over China. In the online games, they play together. They fight together. They laugh together. And they even cry together for some unjust things. The online games just like a society. One of my best friends told me: “They (the other gamers of the online games) have given me the happiest time. And they have spent the most sorrow time with me as well. Actually, they understand me much better than my parents. Moreover, they taught me many useful things, which can not be learned form books. They are my best friends!” It is obvious that the online games are successfully acting up.
However, caused by the online games, some bad news mushrooms nowadays. Some researches found the teenagers’ violence is due to the overload of violent mass media, including violent television programs, movies, comics and online games as well. Some experts also said that the online games are lack of law as the really society, so there are too many tricksters and even thieves to affect the teenagers’ Weltanschauungs. Some students even run away from school because of they are tempted to play the online games. Therefore, many researches appeal to the parents to forbid their children to play online games. But how could the parents forbid such naughty teenagers such amazing amusement? The forbiddance led some students to go to the ‘net bars’. However, playing in the net bars is no safety than home obviously, which are full of sex movies, bloody movies, and smokes. Some teenagers even run away form home because of the parents’ incorrect scold or hit.

The online games cause so many troubles, should they be banned? Or they are innocent actually? In my opinion, troubled as the online games are, they could do nothing if you treat them correctly. The online games are absorbing just because they are well made, so their development is a must whatever you thought of them. So forbiddance on them is fantastic talks. What we should do is work out how to guide the teenagers to play them correctly. Firstly, let them make a schedule before play, which can limit them not to play too much. Secondly, tell them the games may contain some bad things or gamers, as the society has bad people. They should learn to protect themselves. Finally, teach them think before do anything. Young as they are, they should learn to control their lives anyway. To be a beggar because of run away form home or to be a CEO of an online game company is partly decided by themselves. And their decision is the most important part.

第2个回答  2006-05-07
Mages think that the world is a struggling place for mages
since the cells are introduced. People use cell frequently
rather than Magic because of Its easiness. They specialized in
the magic against the cell. They are backing-up combat style
mages. They are more skilled at defending themselves
rather than giving damage to your enemy. They can weaken
your enemy and make your creature stronger at same time.

It's impossible for mage to fight alone. But when they are
working with other classes as a team, the situation will be
reversed. They have healing magic and powerful long ranged
magic attacks that is enough to support your team


第3个回答  2006-05-07
Mages think that the world is a struggling place for mages
since the cells are introduced. People use cell frequently
rather than Magic because of Its easiness. They specialized in
the magic against the cell. They are backing-up combat style
mages. They are more skilled at defending themselves
rather than giving damage to your enemy. They can weaken
your enemy and make your creature stronger at same time.

It's impossible for mage to fight alone. But when they are
working with other classes as a team, the situation will be
reversed. They have healing magic and powerful long ranged
magic attacks that is enough to support your team


第4个回答  2006-05-07
The famous Blue Mosque at duskKnown in previous incarnations as Byzantium and Constantinople , the ancient city of Istanbul has over the past few decades grown a healthy cosmopolitan skin. Turkey had an economic good time in the 1980s that led in turn to resurgence in national tourism when the thoroughfares of Istanbul were crowded with new restaurants, hotels, cafes and cultural institutions. The feel-good optimism was dashed by a devastating earthquake in 1999 but the city has since recovered some if its equanimity .

The Bosphorus, the strait flowing between the Sea of Marmara and the Black Sea, creates a natural north-south divide in Istanbul - European Istanbul comprises the bulk of the city to the west, while Asian Istanbul is to the east. European Istanbul is itself divided by the Golden Horn into the Old City to the south, and Beyoglu and other modern districts to the north.

The Egyptian Dikiltas marks the site of the city's ancient hippodrome.
The Old City is where you'll find all the main sights, such as Topkapi Sarayi (Topkapi Palace), Sultan Ahmet Camii (Blue Mosque), Aya Sofya (Sancta Sophia), the Atmeydani (Hippodrome) and the old city walls. The 21st-century version of Istanbul is a short walk north across the Galata Bridge, and is exemplified by bustling Taksim Square, the eye of the city's commercial storm. Buses, trams and the developing Metro system, not to mention footpower, will get you around the two main parts of the city - ferries can run you between them and across the Bosphorus to Asian Istanbul, although there's little of interest for tourists in this suburban area.