
要稍微长一点的 一个人向另一个人要陈述丢东西的经过 寻求办法


第1个回答  推荐于2018-05-08
Losing My Book
A--Hello,Tom,you look unhappy.What's wrong?
B--I lost my book,it was useful to me.
A--Sorry to hear that.But how did you lose it?
B--Last Saturday night,I went to KFC with my classmate Jacky,taking the book with me.I did some reading while eating.But when I left at about 10:00,I forgot the book and left it there.
A--It's too bad.But did you went back to look for it?
B--Yes.I rushed to KFC the moment I found it missing.But the waiters said they hadn't seen it.I feel sad.
A--Don't worry,Tom.Why not buy another one?
B--Hm,It's so good that I can do nothing but buy another one in the bookstore.Will you be free this weekend? I'd like you to go to the bookstore with me.
B--Thanks you.
A--My pleasure.本回答被提问者和网友采纳
第2个回答  2009-12-16
A:Good morning. How are you? You look worried.B:I lost my wallet and there are many important cards in it I don't know what to do? A: Well , take it easy , we will find the solution.Where do you lose it ? B: Maybe in the dining hall. Because I had used it in the dining hall and when I left the dining hall, I found it lost A:Well let's go to the office of the dining hall. Maybe someone got it and handed it in.B:Yeah. I must have been so anxious that I should forget to go to the office.

