

否定转移是指否定形式在谓语动词,而否定的信息焦点却在状语和表语,或否定形式在主句,而否定的信息焦点却在从句。这是英语的一种习惯思维方法,与汉语不同,应予注意。现分类归纳如下: 1.not+think,believe,suppose,imagine…+that-clause 在这种句式中,not从宾语从句的谓语动词的前面转移到了主句谓语动词think,believe,suppose等的前面。例如: I'm sorry,but I don't think I know you.对不起,我想我并不认识你。 I don't believe he'll come.我想他是不会来的。 这类句子后面的反意疑问句更能准确地说明not的否定范围。如: I don't think you've met Xiao Wang,have you?我想你没碰见过小王,对吗? 2.not…because(of) 这种结构中的 not否定的是后面 because引导的从句或 because of引起的介词短语。也就是说,not从because(of)的前面转移到了主句或整个句子的谓语动词的前面。例如: He was not ready to believe something just because Aristotle said so.他并不只是因为亚里士多德说过某事如何如何,就轻易相信它。 I didn't take a raincoat because it was raining.我不是因为下着雨才带雨衣的。 3.not…+动词不定式或介词短语 在这类结构中,我们实际上是将否定后面不定式的not转移到了谓语动词上。如: Jack doens't seem to like you.(= Jack seems not to like you.)杰克看来不喜欢你。 He didn't take the boy from the tracks to safety to win his own fame.but tobenefit the boy's parents.他把男孩从铁轨上抱到安全地带,不是为了获得个人的名誉,而是为了孩子的父母。 He didn't come here by train.他不是乘火车来的。
第1个回答  2014-06-29
英语语法--动词不定式 的 fouding否定转移 在下列的句子中可以加入NOT 否定 提前 一般这种情况是写作的人为了强调自己的语气而做的提前 动词不定式 7.1 不定式作宾语 1) 动词+ 不定式 afford aim appear agree arrange ask be decide bother care choose come dare demand desire determine expect elect endeavor hope fail happen help hesitate learn long mean manage offer ought plan prepare pretend promise refuse seem tend wait wish undertake 举例: The driver failed to see the other car in time. 司机没能及时看见另一辆车。 I happen to know the answer to your question. 我碰巧知道你那道问题的答案。 2)动词+不定式 ; 动词+宾语+不定式 ask, beg, choose, expect , hate, help intend like, love, need prefer, prepare, promise, want, wish… I like to keep everything tidy. 我喜欢每件东西都保持整洁。 I like you to keep everything tidy. 我喜欢你年使每件东西都保持整洁。 I want to speak to Tom. 我想和汤姆谈话。 I want you to speak to Tom. 我想让你和汤姆谈话。 3) 动词+疑问词+ to decide, know, consider forget, learn, remember, show, understand, see, wonder, hear, find out, explain, tell Please show us how to do that. 请演示给我们如何去做。 There are so many kinds of tape-recorders on sale that I can’t make up my mind which to buy.有这么多的录音机,我都拿不定主意买哪一种。 注意:疑问词带不定式在句中作成分时,谓语动词用单数。 The question is how to put it into practice. 问题是怎样把它付诸实施。