
Names are protected primarily under concepts of trademark law. Trademarks identify source. If you see “Coke” on a can, you are being assured that the cola beverage in the can was manufactured by a certain company. If you see “Century 21” on a sign, you are being assured the realty services which you will be provided by that firm will be of a certain type. Trademarks arose from the practice of artisans stamping a mark on their work identifying them to be “from the studio of …” They make advertising and good will possible, and they also help us trace the origins of defective goods.
Performers often adopt names or titles other than their own under which they perform. Investigating prior use of a name may be difficult for performing artists since unions may not have information about performers other than local members, and performing artists have traditionally not registered names or been listed in the type of directories in which a commercial search firm would look. Some investigation should be made, however, to help avoid a later conflict.
Actually trademark protection begins after a mark has been used, so it is not possible to protect a name you have created prior to disclosing it to the public. After the mark has been used, federal trademark registration, the preferred method of protection, may be undertaken. If federal registration is not possible, state registration may be. If neither are available, ot may still be possible to protect the name if it is used long enough and becomes associated in the public’s mind with a certain performer. Protection extends to not only preventing other performers from using the name, but also use of the name in other areas, such as on tee-shirts, etc. trademark protection is also important for any identifying logo, emblem or insignia which the performer has adopted in connection with his performance

好吧~总得有人干这种苦活T_T (楼上翻译机~)

名字就如商标一样受到法律保护。我们靠商标来识别某产品的源头。比如,如果你看到“可口可乐”写在一个易拉罐上,你就会马上知道这是特定公司的产品。如果你看到“21世纪”的广告牌,你就会知道是哪家公司提供物业服务。商标源自艺术家的习惯;他们总喜欢在自己作品上写:“某某工作室的产品”。商标不仅增进广告和品牌名誉, 商标还帮助我们查找次品的来源厂家。
表演艺术家采用的名称或商标很多情况下并非他们当初的商标(意思是表演者可能转公司,所以原来的商标就留给了别人)。调查一个商标可能很难, 因为表演艺术家的代理一般没有相关信息,并且历史信息没有被列入统一的目录,毕竟没有商业性公司会对这类目录感兴趣。即使如此,调查仍然是值得的,否则艺术家的商标造成的侵权问题会很严重。
实际上商标是在被使用后才受法律保护,因此在此商标公众于世之前,是不受法律保护的。商标开始使用后, 联邦商标注册机构会以默认的方法保护此商标。如果无法在联邦机构登记, 州立机构则是第二选择。如果两者都不可,则只能靠公众对此商标的信赖来保护此商标了。商标保护不仅防止其他表演者和公司使用这个名字,也可以防止此商标在其他领域被使用,比如在t恤衫上商标保护仍热存在。商标保护对表演者/公司使用过的标志,徽章和图案也是十分重要的。
第1个回答  2012-06-14
第2个回答  2012-06-14
商标名称受到来自商标法概念的最基本的保护。每个商标对应一个特定的生产厂家。比如说如果你在易拉罐上看到“Coke”商标,就可以肯定“Coke“这种饮料是由某家特定的公司生产制造的。如果在广告牌子上看到”Century 21“的标志,那么可以肯定那家公司提供的是某种特定类型的物业服务。商标的概念起源于工匠师门在他们的作品上粘贴一个标志”来自某某工作室“以辨别自己的作品。商标使广告宣传以及其他好的想法成为了可能,而且可以帮我们追溯残次品的出处。生产厂家经常采用产品名称而非自己的厂家名称利用在产品身上。制造商们调查一个商标名称是否被使用或许会很难,因为联邦没有除了本地注册成员以外的其他信息,而且之前的生产厂家可能没有登记注册他们的商标,或者他们没有列在商业搜索的目录上。然而为了之后可能发生的冲突,商标调查还是要做的。