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其次,大学里需要掌握的知识有三个,专业课程,英语,计算机基本应用.先说专业课,不要听任何人说专业课没有用就不去认真学,我记得我上学的时候父亲和我说只要学校开课就有他的道理你要好好听,可是我还是以各种理由逃棵,结果现在工作了才发现自己要重新补习大学时候的知识,所以专业课不用你费太多的精力,但是至少你要对每门课程都有大体的了解.然后是英语,我本身很喜欢英语,大学的英语是最为重要的,四级 六级是你找工作的资本,考研是你深造的途径,当然我的建议是你在学好应试英语的基础上一定要注意多听多说,把英语真正当成自己的爱好,把他当成自己的一们语言去学习去应用,这样才不至于太被动.计算机方便,如果你是这个专业的,那么你要认真学习那些专业课程,各种编程语言,如果你是一个不以计算机为主的专业,你要做的是掌握计算机的基本操作,这一点非常非常重要!!!!这里的基本操作包括基本的计算机维护(装系统,检查硬件),WORD 等办公软件的应用等等,这些就需要你平时多积累,没事时候别人装电脑你就在边上学着,多用用WORD EXCEL等.因为当你工作后你就会发现,身边如果有人电脑坏了你可以帮他们解决问题,解决的多了 你的人际关系就会非常的好.我现在就是深有体会,而这些问题只要你在学校主要观察,都是小儿科的毛病!
第1个回答  2008-03-08
What do we mimic university to have arrived at for 4 years? I often ask self.
Where is the answer in after all? I seek for in various books , discover everyone to view having self.But, everybody all says , learns to have arrived at the principle conducting self and conducting self , has the reason seemingly very much.
But be to summarize very much but, because of I think of, before anywhere can learn to arrive at that is not that this purpose , I think of coming me.Thereupon, ask schoolmate , some doctrine , play! The complacent beard of life is as joyful as possible.Also have doctrine , process! ! That because of needing a certificate, this arrives at is fact.But I listen to all unwillingly , I would rather believe that is that in this way big hats of the life ordeal probably let me have a little to comfort book.
Write go after high marks well again! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
第2个回答  2008-03-08
What have we learned during the four years of university life? I often question myself about it.

Where is the answer to the above question? I have searched various kinds of books and found that everyone holds his or her own view. However, They all say that they have learned how to be a man and its truth, which sounds reasonable.

However,it is too general, for I hold that we are able to learn to be a man no matter where we are.To be a man is not the gaol for us to be at university. After that I asked my classmates about the answer and some say that the purpose of being at university is to enjoy themselves, because they hold the idea--if you feel happy, enjoy it.Others say that it is the process that counts!! It is a well known fact that we need certificates, which is what I hate to hear. I'd prefer to believe that it is the testimony of life--such a huge desire provides me with some comforts!本回答被网友采纳
第3个回答  2008-03-08
Four years of university, What have we learned? I often ask myself.
Where the answer? I find in the various books, found that every person has his own views. However, we say that the life and the life to learn the truth, it seems very reasonable.

But it is a very general, because I think that where I can learn, and that is not the purpose of my coming here, I think. Therefore asked the students, and some said Wanya! Jinhuan life to be complacent. Also said that the process! ! Because of the need certificate to this is a fact. But I did not want to hear, I would prefer to believe it is the test of life - so much so that I have some might label the Xu Weijie.
Write good Zaidui high !!!!!!!!!!!
第4个回答  2008-03-09
曾经, 有一篇珍贵的作文摆在我的面前。。。
