
1.调料:seasoning是可数名词吗?2."200克豆腐------two hundred gram tofus" "s"是在"tofu"后加还是在"gram"后加?我的翻译正确么?3."green onion"是什么?4.莴苣=莴笋?(英语)5.茶匙大还是调羹大?6."把莴苣洗干净"可以说“wash the lettuce very clearly”么?7.lettuce 可数么?8."把莴苣切成3厘米的方片"怎么说?9."把豆腐切成厚1.5厘米、边长3厘米的正方块”怎么说?10.“用筷子搅拌一下”怎么说?11.“使莴苣浸入汤中”怎么说?12.“盖上锅盖”怎么说?13.“用大火煮五分钟”怎么说?14.“撇去浮沫”怎么说?(感谢各位的回答,跪求各位一定要是最地道、不能有语法错误的口语答案,并且今晚就要,谢了o(∩_∩)o...)

1. Seasoning 是可数名词
2. Two hundred grams of tofu. tofu 不是可数名词.

3. 葱
4. lettuce. 但具体是哪种lettuce我说不清楚.
5. 调羹大. 一调羹是三茶匙. (1 table spoon = 3 teaspoon)
6. 不可以. 只需要说Wash lettuce.
7. 不可数, 除非你在说不同种类的lettuce.
8. Cut lettuce into 3 centimeter by 3 centimeter (3cm x 3cm) squares.
9. Cut tofu into 3 cm by 3 cm by 1.5 cm cubes.
10. Stir it with chopsticks.
11. Submerge the lettuce into the soup.
12. Put the lid on.
13. Turn the heat to high, cook 5 minutes.
14. Skim scum off the top.

参考资料:我自己, 地道的美国人.

第1个回答  2012-08-22
1. Seasoning 是可数名词
2. tofu 是不可数名词.
3. 葱
4. lettuce.
5. 调羹大. 一调羹是三茶匙. (1 table spoon = 3 teaspoon)
6. Wash the lettuce.
7. 不可数
8. Cut lettuce into 3 centimeter by 3 centimeter (3cm x 3cm) squares.
9. Cut tofu into 3 cm by 3 cm by 1.5 cm cubes.
10. Stir it with chopsticks.
11. Submerge the lettuce into the soup.
12. Put the lid on.
13. Turn the heat to high, cook 5 minutes.
14. Skim scum off the top
第2个回答  2012-08-23
2.two hundred grams of tofu
6.wash lettuces clean或是 have the lettuces cleaned