
手撕牛肉 香草东坡肉 金牌泰国烤肉二、燕鲍翅参
鲍汁关东参 鲍汁关西参 杏仁木瓜炖燕窝 木瓜翅 鲍汁南非鲍 顶级佛跳墙 佛跳墙 蟹黄干捞五羊翅
瑶柱干捞翅 鲍汁扣花菇
鲍汁辽参 菜胆炖翅 佛跳墙 鲍参翅肚羹 冰糖银耳炖官燕
鲍汁杏鲍菇 鲍汁鱼唇 鱼翅捞饭 鲍汁小勾翅 鲍汁米饭
四、刺 身 类
三文鱼 刺身多拼 刺身双拼 生吃关东参 刺身金枪鱼
生吃关西参 刺身龙虾 刺身象拔蚌 潮 州 卤 味
盐水猪手 自制粉肠 特色哈红肠 手撕肘子 卤水拼盘 卤水牛健子 卤水干豆腐卷 手撕大鹅
五、风 味 凉 菜
烧汁茄子 鱼籽牛筋冻 川椒香菜海参皮 麻辣猪肉冻
爽口拌三丝 成基一品凉菜 萝卜皮拌蛰头 香麻魔芋腰花
川椒干豆腐萝卜苗 红酒梨拼冬瓜 蛋黄猪手冻 沾酱菜
六、风 味 粤 菜
成基美国牛仔骨 杂酱蒿笋丝 双椒蒸鲜鱿 芙蓉扇贝
江南香鱼头 鹅肝酱茶树菇 如意小炒 香煎杏鲍菇
海皇干豆腐 琥珀双脆 烧汁鸡腿菇 金牌酱香鸭
金沙苹果 香汁海参皮 盐烤大虾 蒜烤大虾
茶树菇炒牛柳 玉环蒜茸娃娃菜 黄金石榴果 两吃龙虾球
鲜蚝汁黄蘑焗石斑 蒜香桂鱼 三椒功夫鱼
七、热 菜
重庆毛血旺 沙拉凤尾虾 麻辣豆腐小牛肉 蜜汁三宝
鲜啤羊肉 农家酸菜蒸肘花 东江茄子 妙脆角牙签肉
自制小磨豆腐 乡村小炒 麻辣什锦 烧汁培根肉卷
麦片红薯 巴国麻花虾 肉碎泰椒酸豆角 辣妹子
蒜香回锅肉 扁担鸡翅 咸鱼肉沫烧茄龙 泡椒鲨鱼肚
海鲜氽锅底 回锅牛肉荷叶饼 奇香百叶 酱爆杂菌
八、风 味 炖 菜
茶树菇本地鸡 杀猪烩菜 牛肉炖萝卜 排骨炖豆角
九、香 煎 系 列
香煎鲈鱼 香煎武昌鱼
韭黄 西生菜 杭椒 娃娃菜 芥兰 荷兰豆 茭白 西兰花 苦瓜
奶白菜 菜心 彩椒 油麦菜 黄瓜种
十一、特 色 主 食
千层家常饼 争气饼 三鲜回头 韩式蒸饺 五香盘龙饼 酱香肉包
十二、家 常 主 食
韭菜合子 葱花 草帽饼 手擀面 扬州炒饭 珍珠汤 玉米粒饼
热汤面 韭菜鸡蛋水饺 芹菜肉水饺 酸菜肉水饺 牛肉萝卜水饺
角瓜鸡蛋水饺 三鲜水饺
双参乌鸡煲 陈皮靓老鸭煲 淮山美味鸽子煲 百竹排骨汤
茯苓仔鸡煲 绿色食疗珍菌汤 原味野菌汤 美味提神汤
滋补养颜汤 锦绣珍品汤

第1个回答  2007-05-06
First, advertisement vegetable The hand rips the beef vanilla Dongpo pork gold medal Thailandbarbecue two, Yan Bao Chican Bao Zhiguan the Manchurian ginseng Bao juice Guanxi senatealmond Chinese flowering quince cooks birdnest Chinese floweringquince wing Bao juice South Africa Bao Dingji the Buddha to jump wallBuddha to jump the wall 蟹黄 dryly to fish 五羊翅 瑶柱 dryly fishes wing Bao Zhikou the colored mushroom Third, miniature Yan Bao Chican Bao Zhiliao the senate vegetable gallbladder cooks wing Buddhato jump wall Bao Canchi the stomach thick soup crystal sugar tremellafuciformis to cook the official swallow Bao Zhixing Bao Gubao the juice fish lip shark fin fishes foodBao Zhixiao to cancel the wing Bao juice rice Fourth, punctures the body class The salmon punctures the body multi- bayonet drills body pair拼生 to eat closes the Manchurian ginseng to puncture the body tuna Eats uncooked the Guanxi senate to puncture the body lobsterto puncture the body likely to pull out the freshwater mussel Chaozhouhalogen taste The salt water pig's front trotters self-restraint sausagecharacteristic Kazak sausage rips the elbow bittern hors d'oeuvrehalogen water buffalo healthy child bittern to do the bean curd volumeto rip the big goose Fifth, flavor cold dish Burns juice eggplant pristipomoides typus seed Niu Jindong theSichuan pepper coriander trepang skin hot pig 肉冻 Tastily mixes the shredded pork to become a base cold dishradish Pi Banzhe the fragrant hemp amorphopallus riveri scallopedkidney The Sichuan pepper does the bean curd radish seedling red winepear to put together the winter melon egg-yolk pig's front trottersfrozen to moisten the pickled vegetables Sixth, flavor Cantonese cuisine Becomes the base US cowboy bone mixed sauce wormwood bambooshoots silk double pepper to steam the fresh 鱿cotton rose seascallop The Chiangnan fragrant fish head goose liver sauce tea treemushroom pleasant slightly fries fragrant fries the apricot Baomushroom The sea emperor does the bean curd amber double crisp feverjuice chicken leg mushroom gold medal sauce 香鸭 Jinsha apple fragrant juice trepang Pi Yankao the prawn garlicroasts the prawn The tea tree mushroom fries the cow willow tree jade ringgarlic 茸 baby vegetable gold pomegranate fruit two to eat the dragonshrimp ball Fresh oyster juice yellow 蘑 □h lithosporic garlic fragrantmandarin fish three pepper times fish Seventh, hot food dish Chongqing Mao Xuewang salad phoenix tail shrimp hot bean curdveal syrup three treasures The fresh 啤 mutton peasant family pickled cabbage steams theelbow flower Dong Jiang eggplant wonderful crisp angle toothpick meat The self-made small 磨豆腐 village slightly fries the hotassorted fever juice Bacon meat volume Rolled cat sweet potato Pakistan country 麻花 虾肉garrulous peaceful pepper sour cowpea spicy younger sister The garlic fragrant twice-cooked pork shoulder pole chickenwing salty fish flesh froth burns eggplant Long Paojiao the sharkstomach The seafood fries the bottom of the pot to recook the beef荷叶饼 wonderful fragrant 百叶 sauce to explode the mixed fungus Eighth, the flavor cooks the vegetable The tea tree mushroom local chicken kills the pig to braisethe vegetable beef to cook the radish spareribs to cook the cowpea Ninth, fragrant fries the series The fragrance fries the perch fragrant to fry the megalobramaamblycephala Tenth, when countryside vegetables West hotbed chive west greens Hangzhou pepper baby vegetable芥兰 荷兰豆 edible wild rice stem orchid balsam pear The milk cabbage vegetable heart color pepper 油麦 vegetablecucumber plants 11th, characteristic staple food Thousand home-style cakes make every effort to succeed thecake mixed sea food to turn head the Han type steamed dumpling fivespices 盘龙 cake sauce fragrant meat package Sour rapeseed oil stubble boiled dumplings 12th, daily family activity staple food Fragrant-flowered garlic zygote minced green onion straw hatcake 手擀面 Yangchow fries rice the pearl soup corn kernel cake Hot noodles fragrant-flowered garlic egg boiled dumplingscelery meat boiled dumplings pickled cabbage meat boiled dumplingsbeef radish boiled dumplings Angle melon egg boiled dumplings mixed sea food boileddumplings 13th, 老火 煲 the keeping in good health dresses up thesoup Double senate Wu Jibao the dried orange peel dresses up theold duck 煲 Huai mountain delicacy pigeon 煲 hundred bamboosspareribs soup The Poris cocos young chicken 煲 green nutritional therapytreasure fungus Tangyuan taste wild fungus soup delicacy stimulatesthe soup Nutritiously raises the face soup exquisite silk valuablething soup .〔我尽力了〕
第2个回答  2007-04-26
1, signs vegetables Shouxi beef po vanilla Thailand barbecues two gold medals, Bao Shi Yan shark Participation Participation Baoshi east Kansai Senate almond papaya stewing nests papaya fin Baoshi top South African abalone sperm stem cooking ingredients Wuyang fishing for shark fin fishing dry fin Baoshi deduction Mushroom
3, Mini Shark Senate Bao Shi Yan Liaoning Senate guts cooked vegetables wing front expensive delicacies share Bingtang Tremella stewing yourself Baoshi Pleurotus eryngii Baoshi Fish shark fin Baoshi tick rice mixed with rice fin Baoshi
4. sashimi salmon sashimi like to draw raw sashimi D. Participation east of raw sashimi tuna sashimi Kansai Senate lobster sashimi Xiangbabang Chaozhou Zhushou saline brine flavor characteristics homemade Fen Chang Kazakhstan Red Sausage Platter Shouxi pork brine brine cattle - brine-dry bean curd rolls Shouxi five big geese, Wind siu mei and vegetable juice cooler eggplant frozen beef cartilage explants Prickly-Ash Peel parsley sea cucumber sour pork skin refreshing cold soup into three silk goods dish-a mix Luobopi Hong Ma Tau hibernate Konjac Yaohua Prickly-Ash Peel carrot seedlings dry tofu fight melon pear wine yolk Zhushou cold dip pickles
6, Wind taste Cantonese dishes into the United States-based sauce Niuzaigu miscellaneous Artemisia silk-Law steamed scallop Tentacles Fu Hong Jiangnan head Eganjiang tea mushroom wishful starch Wrap the tofu dry Pleurotus eryngii of course brittle burning amber-gold mushroom juice Maotai duck Jinsha Ping
7. Chongqing hot dishes Maoxiewang Boiled shrimp salad spicy tofu with minced veal Mitsushiru fresh beer steamed mutton farmers sauerkraut elbow spent Dongjiang wonderful crispy eggplant Kok toothpick meat homemade tofu small mill villages burned starch sour Assorted juice Bacon Sausage sweet potato flakes Pakistan cannabis broken Thai shrimp meat acid beans Law Hot Suanxiang twice-cooked pork shoulder pole salted fish marinated eggplant Long Season burning Peppers shark bottom of the pot belly seafood boil for a short time served beef pie he leaves Hong runnet Hybridbacteria
8 sauce, taste local tea mushroom dishes cooked chicken butcher Huicai stewing beef ribs cooked beans radish
9. Hong fried series fried chicken fried Wuchang fish 9, Hong fried series fried chicken fried Wuchang fish 10. Pastoral at the center hotbed chive West lettuce Hang Law doll dishes keeping pea pods Uromyces milk bitter broccoli cabbage dish Pepper Cucumber Lettuce Plant Species
10 1, the main characteristics Fresh fruit cake disappointing Melaleuca cake fortunes Korean Zhengjia strips back Panlong sauerkraut cake Maotai pork pies oil raft dumplings
11. characteristics staple food cake disappointing Melaleuca homey cake fortunes Korean Zhengjia strips back Panlong sauerkraut cake Maotai pork pies oil raft dumplings
12. Andrew Chang staple food leek pie hat zygote chopped3 Shouganmian pearl Yangzhou fried rice cake soup maize grain hot egg noodles leek meat dumplings water celery pickled cabbage dumplings beef meat dumplings carrot dumplings Kok Guanajuato egg dumplings fortunes dumplings
13. old fire burning health-footing Senate Wuji burning Chenpi Liang Laoya yam delicious pigeon pot boiling soup Poria 100 rafts Aberdeen Jibao green therapeutic Zhen Bacteria soup flavor Shujun soup delicious, refreshing soup nutritious soup Fairview beauty treasures soup


第3个回答  2007-04-25
第4个回答  2007-05-05
第5个回答  2007-05-01