
Alan Broker and Loren Teague are authors who have a book come out soon. You probably won’t find their titles on the shelves of your local bookshop. Their fiction is published in computerized, digital bits(二进制数据格式). They are authors publishing e-books.

E-mail,e-commerce,e-authors,er-books. . . eeeargh (发出的感叹声)The technology has influenced us in many ways. Surely not books? Physical books are a touchable, visual experience. There’s nothing like the expectation of a new book in your hands, the attraction of a cover, and the smell of ink and paper. You can curl up in an armchair, or in bed, with a good book. But certainly it will not be the same with a small electronic plan, even if it is the size and the weight of a paper book, and has a simple button that turns the page.

Even if you like the idea, you first have to have a handheld electronic readers with high resolution (清晰度) screen, the ability to store several books at once, and a page by page text display. You can download e-books from various US web sites, but unless you have the small reading plans, that means reading books on a large computer screen, and that obviously isn’t suitable for a late-night reading experience in bed.

But a lot of companies are moving in for e-publishing. Computer giant Microsoft and leading US bookshop chain Barnes and boble Com now plan to create a giant e-book store. Microsoft is also leading a push to standardized formats(版式)for online books to allow them to be downloaded to any computer.

With the kind of heavy weights now backing e-publishing, it’s a matter of when,not,if, the phenomenon rolls into town. Does it mean the death of books as we know them? What happens when electronic readers are as cheap as dirt, or when companies give them away to help to increase the selling? Would you rather pack a box of discs next time you move to a new house, instead of seeming endless boxes of books? There is still a romance to books that it’s hard to see their electronic cousins replacing.

“I don’t think we’ve reached anything like the version of e-books that will probably come about within a year”, says Wilson, managing director of Harvard Press. “And I don’t see the actual physical book disappearing. But I do see the future of downloading a book of some kind. It’s certain to happen.”

In the way that horses remained after the advent of the car, books won’t disappear entirely for books lovers They will simply become a new form of amusement.

Alan Broker and Loren Teague are authors who have a book come out soon. You probably won’t find their titles on the shelves of your local bookshop. Their fiction is published in computerized, digital bits(二进制数据格式). They are authors publishing e-books.
AlanBroker 和Loren Teague两位作者最近将要出一本新书,但是你不可能在当地的书店里找到这本书,因为他们的小说是以电脑化的二进制数据格式发行的.他们是发行电子图书的作者一族.

E-mail,e-commerce,e-authors,er-books. . . eeeargh (发出的感叹声)The technology has influenced us in many ways. Surely not books? Physical books are a touchable, visual experience. There’s nothing like the expectation of a new book in your hands, the attraction of a cover, and the smell of ink and paper. You can curl up in an armchair, or in bed, with a good book. But certainly it will not be the same with a small electronic plan, even if it is the size and the weight of a paper book, and has a simple button that turns the page.

Even if you like the idea, you first have to have a handheld electronic readers with high resolution (清晰度) screen, the ability to store several books at once, and a page by page text display. You can download e-books from various US web sites, but unless you have the small reading plans, that means reading books on a large computer screen, and that obviously isn’t suitable for a late-night reading experience in bed.

But a lot of companies are moving in for e-publishing. Computer giant Microsoft and leading US bookshop chain Barnes and boble Com now plan to create a giant e-book store. Microsoft is also leading a push to standardized formats(版式)for online books to allow them to be downloaded to any computer.
但是很多公司都在准备出版电子商品,电脑业巨头微软公司与美国最领先的连锁书店Barners和boble Com正在准备创建一个相当规模的电子书店。微软还领衔推动了在线图书的格式标准化,使它们能够下载到任何一台计算机。

With the kind of heavy weights now backing e-publishing, it’s a matter of when,not,if, the phenomenon rolls into town. Does it mean the death of books as we know them? What happens when electronic readers are as cheap as dirt, or when companies give them away to help to increase the selling? Would you rather pack a box of discs next time you move to a new house, instead of seeming endless boxes of books? There is still a romance to books that it’s hard to see their electronic cousins replacing.
随着目前对电子出版的重量级的支持,其风靡只是时间问题而不是会不会的问题. 这是否意味着我们所熟悉的书籍的死亡? 当电子阅读器便宜的不值一文,或者当有些公司为了帮助增加销售而将其随便派发的时候将会发生什么? 你是否愿意在下一次搬入新居前仅打包一盒碟片而不是看着没完没了的装书的盒子? 书籍仍然有他们的电子表兄弟们所难以替代的一种浪漫.

“I don’t think we’ve reached anything like the version of e-books that will probably come about within a year”, says Wilson, managing director of Harvard Press. “And I don’t see the actual physical book disappearing. But I do see the future of downloading a book of some kind. It’s certain to happen.”

In the way that horses remained after the advent of the car, books won’t disappear entirely for books lovers They will simply become a new form of amusement
第1个回答  2008-12-06
格林斯潘经纪人和罗兰蒂格作者是谁有一本书出来不久。你可能不会找到他们的图书的货架上您的本地书店。他们的小说出版的计算机化,数字比特(二进制数据格式) 。它们是作者出版电子图书。

电子邮件,电子商务,电子作者,呃书籍。 。 。 eeeargh (发出的感叹声)的技术影响了我们在许多方面。当然不是书籍吗?体育书籍是touchable ,视觉体验。有什么样的期望了一本新书,在你们手中,吸引了封面,香味的墨水和纸张。你可以蜷缩在一个扶手椅,或在床上,一本好书。但可以肯定它不会是相同的,以小型电子计划,即使它的大小和重量的纸张书籍,并有一个简单的按钮,把页面。




“我不认为我们已经达到什么样的版本的电子图书,将可能出现在一年之内” , Wilson说,董事总经理哈佛大学出版社。他说: “我没有看到实际书籍消失。但我确实看到未来的下载一本书的一些实物。这是一定会发生。 “

第2个回答  2008-12-06
爱伦经纪人和 Loren 爱尔兰人是很快让一本书出来的作家。 你或许将不在你的当地书店的架上找他们的名称。 他们的小说在用计算机处理被出版, 数传一点点 (二进制数据格式). 他们是作家出版电子图书。

电子邮件、电子商务,电子作家, er-订购。 。 。 eeeargh(发出的感叹声) 技术已经以许多方式影响我们。 当然不书? 身体的书是一种可触又视觉的经验。 没有像有者你的手,掩护的吸引和墨水和纸的味道的新书的期待。 你能在一把扶手椅子中蜷缩而卧, 或在床中, 藉由一本好书。 但是无疑地它将不对一个小的电子计划感到相同,即使它是大小和纸书的重量, 而且有转页的一个简单的钮扣。

即使你喜欢主意,你首先必须用高辨识率 (清晰度) 荧屏有一个手持式电子的读者, 能力立刻储存一些书, 和页本文展览的页。 你能下载来自各种不同的美国网站的电子图书,但是除非你有小的阅读计划, 方法阅读在一个大的计算机荧屏上订购,而且那显然地对床的一种深夜的阅读经验是不适当的。

但是许多公司正在为电子出版业搬进。计算机巨人微软而且现在带领美国书店链巴恩斯和 boble Com 计划产生一间庞大的电子图书商店。 微软也正在带领推标准化格式 (版式) 让在线书让他们被下载到任何的计算机。

藉由重的压重现在支持电子出版业的类型, 它是大约何时,不,如果, 现象进入城镇之内卷。 当我们认识他们的时候,它意指书的死亡吗? 当电子的读者是像污垢一样的廉宜,发生什么事, 或当公司赠送他们帮助增加销售的时候? 你下次宁愿包装一个圆盘的盒子,你搬到一楝新的房子,而非似乎书的永无止境盒子吗? 仍然有对书的一个浪漫史见更换的他们的电子堂兄弟姊妹很困难。

" 我不认为我们已经到达任何事喜欢大约在一年之内或许将会来的电子图书的版本 " ,威尔逊,哈佛杂志报纸的总经理说。 "而且我没见到真实的身体书消失。 但是我确实见到下载一本一些类型的书的未来。 发生是确定的。”

在骑马的方式中保持了在汽车的来到之后, 书将不完全地为喜爱书的人消失,他们将会只是变成一个新形式的娱乐。
第3个回答  2008-12-06