


This paper studies the universe using Stellarium planetarium software
assisted teaching and research related to the content of research study
design research study hall to open a course in the "cosmic and
microcosmic world" teaching ---- "approached the universe and celestial
bodies " to guide students to understand the universe and astronomy . In
order to stimulate students ' interest in learning , the creation of
the physical situation , improve teaching effectiveness , improve
students' scientific literacy , study the effect of the use of this
article Stellarium sky and stars sports simulation to aid research
study, the wonderful universe and the stars appear in front of students ,
guide students through software circadian replacement for analog to eclipse two kinds of astronomical phenomena and inquiry learning . .
article will Stellarium astronomy simulation software applied to this
research study teaching secondary cosmic objects were related content in
instructional design , and for students, parents and teachers use the
results of the software and the introduction of the software into the
classroom and extracurricular practice identity case study was investigated .
This article studies how to use astrology software supporting the
celestial and cosmic research study relevant content for teaching,
research to optimize teaching effectiveness , improve the teaching level
, to promote classroom diversity has important significance.

Keywords : Stellarium astrology software ; physics teaching ; junior physics ; research study ; universe astronomy