
Dear A and B
自从上次愉快的聚会后,很久没有见面了,你们都还好吧,应该都非常忙碌吧~我希望我的信件发现你们一切都好~非常感谢A上次的对我司的商务访问,A、B和贵公司 都给我们非常好的印象。非常期待着下次再有这样的机会。
首先我们的采购商在香港已经有十年的历史,他是Cathay Pacific Airways Ltd.(国泰航空)的常年的D产品唯一指定供应商。随着D产品在亚洲市场需求量近年的提升,他们的客户已经遍布亚洲的多数国家。

Dear XX,
We haven't seen each other since last gathering/party, how are you doing? I think you must be very busy. I hope you are all fine now. Thanks to the commerical visit you paid to our company, we appreciate both company A and B. We are looking forward to the next cooperation.
Today, I would like to make an analysis about the current situation of product D which we are developing. Thus we can reach an aggrement , promote our business and make a new start for both of us.
First of all, our buyer enjoys 10 years' history in Hongkong. He is the unique supplier for Cathay Pacific Airways Ltd. With the increasing quantity demanded of Product D, now there are a lot of his customers throughtout the Asia.

第1个回答  2010-09-14
Dear A and b

It is a long time since we had last pleasant meeting. How are dong recently, you should be busy. i hope you well . Thanks very much for A' last business visit, and we are impressed with A B and your company, and we look forward to your next visit.

Here, i would like to perform an analysis about the current situation of product D, which we are developing with. Thus can make both of us quickly reach an agreement, better facilitate this business which begins our pleasant beginging.

First, our buyer has a history of ten years in HK, is is the exclusive supplier of Cathay Pacific Airways Ltd. for product D. They have customers across most countries in Asia, along with the increasing demand for product D recent years.
第2个回答  2010-09-14
A and B, Dear
Since the last happy after the party, not met for A long time, you are ok, should be very busy! ~ I hope my letters find you all good ~ thank A last visit to our business, A, B, and your company is give us A good impression. Is looking forward to the next have such opportunities.
Here, I would like to present our both sides are developing a current business D analysis of the situation. Make your and our faster, better agreed to the business, as our good cooperation beginning!
First we have the purchaser in Hong Kong, he is the history of the Cathay Pacific Airways Ltd. (Cathay Pacific) annual product supplier. Only D, As D products in Asia market demand in recent years, they have the customer the most countries throughout Asia.
第3个回答  2010-09-14