
He had crossed the wide ocean and many a river. Now not another river lay between him and home but only a few creeks that he knew by name. Arthur Rowanberry had come a long way, trusting somebody else to know where he was, and now he knew where he was himself. The great river, still raised somewhat from the flood of that spring and flowing swiftly, lay off across the fields to his left; to his right and farther away were the wooded slopes of Kentucky side of the valley, and over it all, from the tops of the hills on one side to the tops of the hills on the other, stretched the gray sky. He was walking along the blacktop that followed the river upstream to the county seat of Hargrave. On the higher ground to the right of the road stood fine brick farmhouses that had been built a hundred and more years ago from the earnings of the rich bottomland fields that lay around them. There had been a time when those houses had seemed as permanent to him as the land they stood on. But where he had been, they had the answer to such houses.
“We wouldn’t let one of them stand long in our way,” he thought.
Art Rowanberry walked like the first man to discover upright posture. He walked too like a man who had been taught to march, and he wore a uniform. But whatever was military in his walk was an overlay, like the uniform, for he had been a man long before he had been a solider, and a farmer long before he had been a man.
The noises of the town were a long way behind him. It was too early for the evening chores, and the farmsteads that he passed were quiet. Birds sang. From time to time he heard a farmer call out to his team. Once he had heard a tractor off somewhere in the fields and once a towboat out on the river, but those sounds had faded away. No car had passed him, though he walked a paved main road. There was no sound near him but the sound of his own footsteps falling steadily on the pavement


上面这段文字,是美国作家Wendell Berry的一篇小说"A Homecoming"开头的一段,刊登在已有近120年历史的美国著名文学季刊Sewanee Review第100卷1992年冬季号上。Sewanee(希瓦尼)是美国南部田纳西州的一个城市,有一所西沃恩南方大学(Sewanee- University of the South)。Sewanee Review当初即是该校一名教授所创办。追问

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Wendell Berry 的 "a homecoming"





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