sat 语法

an amateur potter herself, the accountant offered to help the artist with his business accounts, complicated as they were by his unusual system of record keeping.求整句话的理解和结构,谢谢

An amateur potter herself, the accountant offered to help the artist with his business accounts, complicated as they were by his unusual system of record keeping.


说明性状语:An amateur potter herself, (会计师)本人作为一个业余制陶人
1、等于 as an amateur potter herself
2、potter的同位语herself 其实指的就是the accountant

句子主体:the accountant offered to help the artist with his business accounts,会计师表示愿意帮助这个艺术家做他的业务往来账目
1、offer 表示“有做某事的意愿”
2、短语offer to help sb. with sth. 表示“愿意帮助某人做某事”

让步状语从句:complicated as they were by his unusual system of record keeping 尽管通过艺术家所保存的奇离古怪的记录系统账目杂乱无章,
1、complicated as they were 的结构为“形容词 + as + 主谓结构”,这是由于 as 引导的让步状语的要求,其实就是倒装语序,即as they were complicated
2、代词 they 指代 his business accounts
3、by his unusual system of record keeping 是方式状语,表示“通过…的手段”

第1个回答  2011-09-08
语法分析:这是一个复合句,主句为the accountant offered to help the artist 。其中,反身代词herself做an amateur potter(业余陶艺家)的同位语,整个又是作accountant的同位语;with his business accounts作宾语补足语;as引导让步状语从句,从句中的主语they指代前面的business accounts,从句谓语用的是过去时的被动语态。
第2个回答  2011-09-07
第一个逗号前作为同位语,是 the accountant的状态,中间是主句,最后是complicate作为分词结构修饰his business accounts