

1、I would rather have had one breath of her hair,one kiss of her mouth,and one touch of her hands than an eternity without it。


2、I would rather have these brief moments than the lonely eternity without them。


3、You know that spring will never disappear,just like you know it will flow after freezing


4、Do you need a reason to love someone? May not,love a person need to pay? Yes! And no regrets!


5、I don't understand the God who'd let us meet if we could never be together


第1个回答  推荐于2017-11-25
I don't understand the God who'd let us meet if we could never be together.
When they ask me what I liked the best,I'll tell them "It was you".
I would rather have had one breath of her hair,
I have a feeling there's something bigger out there.
Bigger than we and bigger than you.
I wait all day just hoping for one more minute with you.
I would rather have had one breath of her hair, one kiss of her mouth, and one touch of her hands than an eternity without it.
第2个回答  2012-02-25
I don't understand the God who'd let us meet if we could never be together.   上帝既已安排我们相识,怎能不让我们相守!   When they ask me what I liked the best,I'll tell them "It was you".   当他们问我最爱的是什么,我会告诉他们。。。就是你!   I would rather have had one breath of her hair,   我宁可呼吸到她飘散在空气中的发香,   I have a feeling there's something bigger out there.   Bigger than we and bigger than you.   我老觉得,有种巨大的力量,让你我都显得好渺小!   I wait all day just hoping for one more minute with you.   我整日都盼着能与你有多一分钟的相聚!   I would rather have had one breath of her hair, one kiss of her mouth, and one touch of her hands than an eternity without it.   我闻到过她的秀发在空气中的飘香,我亲吻过她柔软的双唇,我曾触碰到她温暖的手——我宁愿要这些短暂的时刻,也不愿意要没有这些的孤独的永生。   We were made to fit together.   我们注定彼此相属。