
Spending just a few hours a week online may make people feel more socially isolated(孤立的), lonely and downhearted(沮丧的), according to a two-year study of nearly 100 families with the Internet.
“We were surprised to find that social technology has such bad effects on social communications,” the lead author, Dr. Robert Kraut of Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, said in a statement to the news. The findings suggest that “Rather than encourage students to use the Internet alone for research, teachers might give pupils online group homework to complete with classmates. Local groups might build websites that allow neighbors to discuss local affairs(地方事务).”
“Before the technology develops and can be really more beneficial, people should control(控制) their wishes to use much of the Internet,” Dr. Kraut and other experts advise. In order to control their children and encourage family activities, parents might think of putting the computer in the living room rather than in a child’s room, they suggest.
Dr. Kraut also suggests that when surfing on the net, especially when chatting with strangers on the net, children should not use their real names, and that they should not tell the addresses, telephone numbers to the strangers.
Nowadays, a new term called SAHDs (stay-at-home dads) is becoming very popular. In the UK, there are 600,000 men who stay at home as full-time husbands. The number is 10 times more than 10 years ago. In the USA, there are at least 1.7 million unemployed (失业的) married men who depend on their wives.
SAHDs have increased in number around the world. There are three reasons to explain this.
First, the bad economic situation (经济形势) has caused the decline (衰退) in men’s traditional working fields, which has led to a large number of unemployed people.
Second, the social and cultural progress provides a possibility for such a change in families.
Third, the improvement in women’s education has also given them the chance to show their talents in work. Therefore, women are able to support their families.
According to a survey in the UK, most stay-at-home fathers said the reason for this was that the mother made more money. The survey also suggested the men that stayed at home were happier with this than the women, with 75% of fathers saying they were lucky to spend so much time with their children.

花几个小时在线一周可能使人感到更多社会 isolated(孤立的),孤独和 downhearted(沮丧的),与"我们非常惊奇地发现社会技术具有社会传播,这种不良影响"作者,博士。互联网的近 100 个家庭的为期两年的研究。 这一消息发表声明说,在美国宾夕法尼亚州匹兹堡卡内基 · 梅隆大学的罗伯特 · 泡菜。调查结果表明,"而不是鼓励学生利用只关心互联网来进行研究,教师可能会给学生在线组作业要和同学们完成。本地组可能建立网站,允许讨论本地 affairs(地方事务) 邻居。"
"技术的发展及其可真的更有利之前,人们应该 control(控制) 他们使用互联网,有很多的愿望"博士。泡菜和其他专家提供意见。为了控制自己的孩子和鼓励家庭活动,家长可能会想到把电脑放在客厅里,而不是在孩子的房间里,他们建议。
博士。泡菜还表明,特别是当与陌生人在网上聊天,儿童不应使用真实的名字,而他们不应该告诉的地址、 电话号码里遇到的陌生人在网上,冲浪时。
如今,一个新的专业术语,叫做 SAHDs (全职爸爸) 变得很流行。在英国,有 600,000 人作为全职丈夫呆在家里。数字是超过 10 年前的 10 倍。在美国,有至少 170 万失业人士 (失业的) 结婚取决于他们的妻子的男人。
SAHDs 也在世界各地增加。有三个原因,对此做出解释。第一,糟糕的经济形势 (经济形势) 造成下降 (衰退) 男子传统的工作领域,导致一大批失业人士。
在英国的一项调查,大多数全职父亲说的原因这是母亲作出更多的钱。调查还建议,呆在家里的人都与这女子中,有 75%的说他们幸运的花那么多时间和他们的孩子的父亲比任何时候都更快乐。
第1个回答  2012-01-14









第2个回答  2012-01-14
第3个回答  2012-01-14