
老师从来都是讲price 但China daily网站上到处都是pricing 这两个词有区别吗?

price n. 价格, 价钱, 代价 vt. 给...定价, 问...的价格, 标明价格 基本解释 price n. 价格; (为取得某物而付出的)牺牲 代价 价值; 费用 (对杀死或捉住某人的) 赏金, 悬赏, 报酬 (赌博中)赌金比率, 赌注与赢款的差额 be worth the price 是值这个价钱的 agree upon a price 议定价格 reduce [raise] a price 降[提]价 price current 时价表 price cutting 大减价 price line 价格相同的一批货物 price packing 故意提高开价, 以便藉口削价出售而实际赚大钱的噱头 pay a heavy price for the victory 为取得胜利付出很大的代价 What's the price of this one? 这一个要多少钱? What price are you asking? 你要什么价钱? 习惯用语 above price 宝贵的, 无价的 beyond price 宝贵的, 无价的 without price 宝贵的, 无价的 at a price 付出很大代价, 昂贵 at any price 无论花多大代价; 无论如何 at the price of 以...的代价; 以高于正常的价格, 以高于市场的价格 fetch a good price 可卖得好价钱 filling at the price 物美价廉 give a long price for 高价购买 have [hold] great price of (=have [hold] in great price, have [hold] in price, put [set] high price upon, set [tell] much price by [of]) 给以很高评价, 重视 make a price 开价, 定价 not at any price 绝对不 of a price 价值相当[等] of (great) price 极宝贵的 put a price on sth. 给...定出价格 salt prices 谎价, 虚价 set a price on sb.'s head [sb.] 悬赏缉拿某人 set a price on sb. 悬赏缉拿某人 put a price on sb.'s head [sb.] 悬赏缉拿某人 put a price on sb. 悬赏缉拿某人 set at no price 看得不值钱, 毫不器重 What price ? 有希望吗? 有... 的可能吗? 你以为怎么样? 有什么用处[价值]? with apricefor one's head 已被悬赏缉拿 price out of the market 定价过高以致无人问津 习惯用语 | 词性变化 | 参考词汇 | 更多...近/反义词现代英汉词典 基本解释 price n. 价格;价钱 The price of that house is high. 那座房子的价格很高。 What is the price of this diamond ring? 这只钻戒的价格是多少? 代价 A life of toil is generally the price of fame and success. 劳苦的一生通常是声望和成功的代价。 Isn't bad health a high price to pay for the pleasure of drinking? (喻) "为了饮酒之乐而损害健康,这代价不是太高了吗?" 赌注与赢款的差额 词性变化 vt. priced, pricing 定价,标价 The beauty parlour priced itself out of the market by charging so much. "那美容院自己定价过高,以致无人问津。" In any shop all goods should be clearly priced. 任何一家商店所有的货物都应该标明价目。 问…的价钱 习惯用语 a price on one's head 悬赏缉拿某人 have one's price 向人开价做坏事(价钱合适便做) 基本解释 price 物价 同义词 amount charge cost expense rate value worth 例句 Actual price 实际价 Additional price 追加的价格 Approximate price 概算价格 Ask price 询价 Auction price 竞销价格,拍卖价格 2.基本解释 pricing 定价 习惯用语 | 词性变化 | 参考词汇 | 更多...近/反义词现代英汉综合大辞典 基本解释 pricing n. 定价 填注料价 例句 pricing behaviour 价格行为 Pricing cost 定价成本 Pricing method 定价方法 central government pricing 中央政府定价 Electronic Road Pricing 电子道路收费。采纳答案:price定价,名词,指商品价格pricing定价,动名词,指给商品制定价格 解决方法:Price 是价钱pricepriceAHD:[pr�0�2s] D.J.[prais]K.K.[pra!s]n.Abbr. pr.(名词)缩写 pr.The amount as of money or goods, asked for or given in exchange for something else.价格:要求或为交换他物的一定数量的钱或货物The cost at which something is obtained:代价:为得到某物而付出的代价:believes that the price of success is hard work.相信取得成功的代价便是努力地工作The cost of bribing someone:贿金:贿赂他人而付出的花费:maintained that every person has a price.认为每个人都可用贿金买通A reward offered for the capture or killing of a person:赏金:缉拿或处死某人而得到的赏金:a felon with a price on his head.有人悬赏此重犯的头Archaic Value or worth.【古语】 价值或财富及物动词)priced,, pric.esTo fix or establish a price for:定价:给…定价或建立价格:shoes that are priced at nine dollars.价格为九美元的鞋子To find out the price of:问价格:询问或查询出…的价格:spent the day pricing dresses.花一整天询问衣服的价格---------------------------------------------pricing 是定价望采纳
第1个回答  2014-04-25
price [prais] 英汉翻译 n. 价格;代价;价值 vt. 给……定价;问……的价格 pricing英汉翻译 n. 定价 v. 给…定价(price的ing形式)