
1.既然你计划移居加拿大, 那你必须努力适应寒冷的气候。

1. Since you plan to move to Canada, you must try to adapt to the cold climate.
2. He promised to help us to buy the house, but a little reluctantly.
3. He is an experienced businessman, he makes the international trade already for several years.
4. He urged me to accept that new position, although that position reward is not rich.
5. This is an important meeting, please make sure not to be late.
第1个回答  2011-03-14
这几句都很简单,感觉你应该是个学生,自己动脑子都可以做出来的,楼上的基本都给你翻译的差不多了,3句可以改成定语从句来处理更地道,4句报酬可以用salary,丰厚用high.5句make sure 后边加从句。就这些了。
第2个回答  2011-03-14
1.even though you are tend to live in Canada, you must to make the cold weather agreeing with you .
2. he promise he will buy that house for us, but i don't think so
3. he is a business man with a lot of experience for he do the job of foreigh trade in many years.
4 .he trying to persuade me to accept the new job, though the salary is not very good.
5.it is an important meet so you can't late