
4. Granted that the policies are responsible for the prosperity of Dillton, we cannot ensure that Beauville could experience the same prosperity through providing similar incentives. (F.A) ★★★★★
5. The author fails to substantiate the assumption that during the last 18 months all conditions upon which the effectiveness of the policies depends have remained unchanged. (P→C) ★★★

4. Granted that the policies are responsible for the prosperity of Dillton, we cannot ensure that Beauville could experience the same prosperity through providing similar incentives. (F.A) ★★★★★
(F.A: false analogy 不合理分析)
5. The author fails to substantiate the assumption that during the last 18 months all conditions upon which the effectiveness of the policies depends have remained unchanged. (P→C) ★★★
作者没有证实这样的假设:过去的18个月中 政策有效的所依赖的所有条件都保持不变。
(P→C: past -->current 过去推测现在)