
7. The president fails to consider the cost of introducing a new line of educational toys and their profitability. (adv:disadv) ★★★
8. The president unfairly attributes the sales increases of those companies to their marketing of educational toys. (post hoc, ergo propter hoc) ★★★★
9. The fact that other companies enjoyed sales increases through marketing educational toys does not guarantee that Hyper-Go would also experience such increase by taking the same actions.

7. The president fails to consider the cost of introducing a new line of educational toys and their profitability. (adv:disadv) ★★★
经理并没有考虑引进新的益智玩具生产线的成本和盈利能力. (Adv:disadv: 没有全面的权衡利弊)
8. The president unfairly attributes the sales increases of those companies to their marketing of educational toys. (post hoc, ergo propter hoc) ★★★★
9. The fact that other companies enjoyed sales increases through marketing educational toys does not guarantee that Hyper-Go would also experience such increase by taking the same actions.