




First, coffee origin Coffee-tree and coffee edible origin recognition in Africa, itsconcrete local view not one, but the most people think in EastAfrica's ancient nation Ethiopia. Time origins which about the coffeethen unable to agree. In in the coffee discovery, the origin and the use history, somemysterious story is extremely popular, I thought also conforms to thetruth. Before very long very long time, the Ethiopian north west 咖law (Keffa) the area tends sheep young Cull to enlighten (Kaldi) timeto catch up with when the sheep passes through woods, his mountainflock of sheep gnaws on the food roadside large-scale shrubbery thered fruit. (1) Cull enlightens accidentally discovered that, after thegoat ate the red fruit exceptionally to be excited, even if were theold goat also likes the small goat equally to run jumps. Tends sheepthe youth to think strangely, then also takes off some fruits totaste. Result also change extremely excitedly, the spirit, cannot helpbut dances with joy. The coffee (fruit might edible and can stimulate)on is discovered like this by the person. (2) The people are calledthe locality the geographic name this kind of fruit "咖 the law"(keffa), later passes through for a long time the transmission and theevolution has become today "the coffee" (coffee). The coffee wasdiscovered the posterity only are at first pick the wild fruit edible,(3) afterwards only then slowly started artificially to cultivate. Inthe edible way, is at first Lian Roudai the nucleus (namely coffeeseed - coffee bean) chews the food together, afterwards progressed forsoaks in water the coffee fruit or 煮水 drinks. (4) In the use,mainly uses in at first religious circles' religious activities anddoctor treats an illness and the patient restores. Area the Ethiopian- red sea Christianity, the Judaism all have, afterwards also had theIslamism. After each kind of religious priest, the member of areligious order, the believer has chewed the coffee fruit or has drunkthe coffee water, in carries on all night when religious Buddhistceremony activity then very much has the spirit not to hit sleepily.The patients have chewed it or drink it also to be able to restoresome spirits. The coffee edible, picks gradually bridged over extremely narrow redsea to spread to the Arabian Peninsula. "Chinese Big EncyclopediaAgriculture Volume Coffee Strip" and "Chinese Agriculture EncyclopediaCrops Volume Coffee Strip" said the B.C.E. 6 centuries Arabs startedto plant chew the edible coffee, but they do not have the illustrationand the literature source, is not greatly credible. Moreover,carefully examined from the social development history angle, B.C.E.in 6 centuries Arabian Peninsula Arabs (at that time if had "Arab"speech) also is in primitive society the barbarism. If at that timethey had the agriculture to plough the planter, that also onlypossibly plants 椰枣, grain, the vegetables, the multipurpose cropsand so on wheat, melon vegetable, but is impossible to cultivate kind,the hobby class for medicinal purposes, whiles away the time the kindof crops coffee. Because then productive forces level only allowedthem to plant these crops, guaranteed oneself little starved, thesurvival got down. New edition "American Encyclopedia Coffee Strip"believed that, A.D. the latter 6 centuries Arab starts to plant edible(chews) the coffee. (5) Some scholars also precisely start thecultivation using the coffee time place until the A.D. 575 years inYemen to plant. (6) I thought the A.D. latter 6 centuries startrelatively to cultivate the coffee to be credible. From this theinference, the Ethiopian discovered using the coffee works as inbefore this good long section of times, or in before this 23centuries, namely approximately A.D. 3 centuries. A.D. 9 - 10centuries Arabic medical scientists pull lucky Si (Rhazes, 865 - 932)explicitly mentioned for the first time in the literature the coffee,after namely under the record some people will do the coffee fruit togrind the water used to fry the clothing when the medicine will drink



不过印度西南部的咖啡林却不是荷兰人或其他西欧人传去的,而是由当地的一位叫巴巴·布丹(Baba Budan)的人于17世纪30年代传入的。作为一个虔诚的穆斯林,巴巴·布丹去过伊教的圣城麦加朝圣。返回时他把七粒能发芽的咖啡豆(种子)紧贴在肚皮上,躲过了土耳其人的检查,成功地“偷”回了他在印度西南部的家乡。从此,咖啡开始在南亚生根栽培了。⑤




Third, coffee in world dissemination and cafe culture After the European and other national people contact the coffeedrink, some people then very quickly liked. The merchant and theproperty drool the benefit and the profit which brings to the coffee.But in the geography big discovery time (15 century's ends - 17century's ends), Europe or other any empires did not have the militarysuperiority to the Osman Turkey (notice Turkey even and in 1683 two ona large scale besieges Vienna in 1529). Also is unable to adopt themilitary violence method to gain the coffee seedling (such as todefeat 土军, seizes some place, snatches locality coffee-tree andcoffee fruit). Facing Turkey's severe control policy, both cannotlegitimately import, and incapably arms robs; Thereupon the peoplehave to try "to steal", thus deducts the coffee unauthorized biographymany interesting stories. In 1616, the Dutch hid Turkey from theYemenese 摩卡port strictly to inspect, smuggle a coffee seedling.(2) They harness the ship to walk the Portugese opening new routeafter the Arabic sea, Indian Ocean, Atlantic, the English Channeldetour to return to homeland. But Europe's climate water and soil doesnot suit the tropics subtropics plant coffee-tree the growth, theDutch has to take it the experimental tree cultivation in thegreenhouse. In 1656 the Dutch invaded Sri Lanka (Sri Lanka). In 1658the Dutch on carried on the coffee seedling on the Sri Lankan islandthe big field planter and attains successfully. (3) In 1603 the Dutchestablished the first business on the Indonesian Java island to standas soon as colonizes the foothold, in 1619 the Dutch invaded Jakarta,and changed name it as 巴达维亚. In 1696 the Dutch (Malabar) thearea transported the coffee seedling and the seed from Indian northwest coast Malabar plants them in the Indonesian Java 巴达维亚plantation. The end attains successfully after twists and turns, andvery quickly obtains benefits the profit. (4) But the Indian north west coffee forest actually is not the Dutch orother westerners passes on, but is calls anxiously the bhutan (BabaBudan) by local the person spreads to the 17th century 30's. As areverent Muslim religion, anxiously the bhutan goes to holy city Meccawhich Iraq teaches to go on a pilgrimage. Returns when he the coffeebean which can germinate seven grains (seed) tightly pastes on thebelly, has hidden Turk's inspection, the successful place "stole" hasreturned to him in the Indian north west hometown. From this time on,the coffee started in the South Asia to take root to cultivate. (5) In the synthesis may know, the East Africa Ethiopia people haddiscovered the coffee, the Arabic people cultivated the coffee, theChinese people promoted the coffee to drink the medicine from the godto drink transform into the populace drink, the Turkish peoplescientifically invent the coffee most orthodox school to drink theusage, the South Asia people also participated in the disseminationcoffee. Obviously, the coffee can become world one of three big drink,non-, Asian, the European people have all made the contribution forit. But, to the coffee most cherish, (culture) develops the cafeprosperously, disseminates far the coffee is the European people. In 1615 the Venetian merchant shipped back the import coffee beanVenice to open the cafe management. [ 3 ] (P11) this probably isEurope's first cafe. But, cafe boss uses is the import Turkish coffeebut non- the coffee which plants in Italy comes out. In 1650, theEnglish Oxford appeared English the first cafe, in 1652, Londonappeared the cafe. [ 4 ] (n78-179) in 1643, Paris has opened the firstcafe, in 1650, Marseilles has also opened the cafe... ... . [ 4 ](P161) in 1684, Vienna appeared the first cafe. [ 4 ] (P52) to 17century's ends the beginning of 18th century, the cafe in Europespecially was the Western Europe each major and medium small cityalready mushroom growth appearance, rapid popularization. From this time on Europe (including afterwards North America) in thesocial life and the manners and customs were many has drunk coffeethis content, the street corner many cafes this scenery line. Thepeople in the cafe the leisure, chat, looked the simple theatricalperformance, discusses business, discussed the country is, eats thebetween-meal snack, talks love, the cafe has become one kind ofwestern-style leisure place which compares favorably with with theChinese teahouse. Some writers, the writer, the artist when soaked thecafe has formed in one's mind own work; Some politicians move in thecafe, some criminals plan the crime in the cafe, some brothel femalesalso draw in customers in the cafe... ... The cafe has become theEuropean and American people's important public relations place.
According to 16th century Arabic literature "Coffee Origin" records,in 13 centuries the leaf has a Muslim 阿訇 Austria Masurium you(Sheikh Omar) to convict, 摩卡(Mocha) exiles from Yemen to Ou Saba.On the way, he saw is eating on the roadside tree's red fruit to abird in merrily the calligraphy stroke, then also tried to pick some煮水 has drunk. The small fruit has one kind of marvelous flavor,after drank has been sleepy wearily, eliminates immediately. AustriaMasurium you thereupon drink the coffee fruit the usage instruction togive some big at the beginning of sickness the person. After AustriaMasurium will send into exile the expiration to return in future摩卡then and drinks the coffee fruit the usage to disseminate. (1)Austria Masurium you discovered the coffee the fable is extremelypopular in the Arabic area, I think this fable Yu Shizhuo severalpoints: First, Austria Masurium you are possibly the public figurewhich independent rediscovers the edible wild coffee. He possiblydiscovered the different wild species as soon as to plant 培种.Already verified, the coffee had the different wild species anddevelops in this foundation plants 培种, if 小果 - the Arabiccoffee (Coffea arabica), center the fruit - went against the basketgirl coffee (C. canephora), big fruit - Liberia coffee (C. 1iberica);[ 1 ] (P258-259) two, Austria Masurium you possibly are the Arabicarea most early attempt one of planter coffee public figures; Third,Austria Masurium you are promote the coffee edible and one ofcultivation public figures. We knew, when Arabic area middle ages the agriculture quite is alsodeveloped, massively plants the multipurpose crops 椰枣 and othercrops. The Arab in knows the coffee to be possible edible to drinkafter and has the marvelous effect not to carry on the manualcultivation then with difficulty to persuade by reasoning. Therefore Iextrapolated, 6 since the probably centuries have been thenfragmentary in the Yemenese area, occasionally watch, the researchcultivation coffee, you the time namely develop from Austria Masuriumfrom the l3 century for the big field cultivate. In 1454, Yemen'sMuslim dynasty officially proclaimed the command allows to drink withand plants the coffee. (2) This indicated the coffee the planteredible before this had the quite long section of times, and hasachieved the certain scale. From this time on, the coffee and drank inthe length and breadth Arabic area widely planter with


Ancient times the African Ethiopians had discovered the coffee, themiddle ages Arab has cultivated the coffee. The middle ages laterperiod, the Chinese promoted the coffee to drink the medicine from thegod to drink transforms into the populace leisure drink, the Turkinvents the coffee orthodox school science to drink the usage, theIndian participated in the dissemination coffee. In the geography bigdiscovery time (15 century's ends to 17 century's ends), the Europeanspread over the coffee the world; Hereafter develops the cafe cultureprosperously. Therefore non-, Asian, the European people all have madethe contribution for the coffee development for today world one ofthree big drink. The late clear coffee spreads to our country,Republic of China stands firm in Hua Yi. Since the reform and openpolicy the coffee has drunk with starts to be popular in China, andgradually is forming own coffee culture.
第2个回答  2007-04-19
Coffee legends
Coffee said that the origins can be traced back to millions of years before plants, in fact, it was the real 1990s can not be traced. Ethiopia highlands coffee is only a legend Mingjiaokedi Kaldi the shepherd, When he realized that he apparently inadvertently eat the fruit of a plant, have become very lively and vibrant appearance. Since then found a coffee.
The traditional world coffee consumption
It sticks to the basic region of the Middle East drinking, They will be baked beans depth to almost toxicity (Dark Roast), usually ground into very fine powder. Then again boiled several times into a small cup of sugar that is a strong, suffer with sweet, and there precipitation coffee. People can say the calm and polite manner that Qingchuo a small cup of coffee.
Coffee trees
Origin coffee from Ethiopia. Coffee is the national Botany Rubiaceae cotyledon is the only evergreen plants, The height of up to 10 meters, and the growing because of artificial After pruning, it is only two to four meters high. Coffee Knot probably in three to four years, after which production will be reduced 20 to 25 years. However, some coffee trees more than 100 years life expectancy is still bearing fruit. Coffee tree branches growing antagonism, horizontal or drooping branches grow their leaves were born in the short track on the branch. The two main types, arabica (Arabica Coffee) robusta (Coffee Wisnumurti). Arabica leaves about 15 cm. Robusta longer the leaves, ovate or condyloma was soft, light green color.
Coffee can accompany himself spent many happy days.
Restoring the morning immediately after drinking a cup of the day, when light swallow one refreshing, more leisure Lane, a cup of coffee, eat a few pieces of cake. Poly small and chatting with a friend. Coffee enriched our lives and shorten the distance between you and me. U.S. meal, vesicles cup of coffee, reading a newspaper or lovers, friends and families together to share a warm and comfortable Fun coffee time is a blessing.
We are fascinated by the park's air, light, sound, time to forget where immersion in the same group with their own people, Perhaps to continue a person, but we all have a tacit understanding. The men, woman, cheerful and melancholy, the group, isolated from alone, smoking, drinking strong coffee. or simply do not drink coffee. We find the feel of each other, with their minds focused on the eyes or Essential find, even if you Looking at the window, ... I did not see what you see, I know that you and I are different, and all the people, realists will come to the café, but is not here, nor will it have come to close. put on the table before taking their own chairs.
Coffee and heart
You are in a good mood or a bad mood when I wanted a cup of coffee? The answer is different for each person, but when they drink coffee beverage is a good mood, but in good mood, I would like to see both blue skies and gentle sun when the sun drying out coffee howiinol delicious taste. When it's in a bad mood you should go bar monotony. Lane reclining Jazz Café, the thrilling opera. French chanson, or the gentle romantic piano music you will hear most often. Of course, the quality and the owner of the café. And the closest you can chat with friends or Sanwuzhiji together, to explore their interest in the topic. With the depth, you will find the calm mood gradually, and even some touching, all the reasons are very simple : With Hing. When you feel good mood today to a cup of coffee at the bar, you will find a coffee best.
Coffee into China
According to historical records, in 1884 in Taiwan's first coffee growing success, thus opening a coffee in the development of the event. The first coffee plantations began in the mainland, Yunnan, in the 1920s, a French missionary to the first batch of coffee seedlings to Binchuan County in Yunnan. But in the past hundred years ago, the vast coffee plantations in China were only "bits and pieces." However, in recent years, China's consumption of coffee plantations and the development of more and more world attention. Max, Nestle, the Colombian coffee and other international companies have set up branches or factories in China. better varieties for the Chinese market, the price of better products. As part of the Western lifestyle, coffee has officially entered the Chinese family and life. Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and other big cities in the coffee shop along with the mushrooming growth in coffee culture there, young people become new consumption trend, with the city of Phnom Penh and habits.
第3个回答  2007-04-19

arabica阿拉比卡 robusta罗布斯塔
通常种植在海拔较高的山地 通常种植在海拔较低的热带地区
种植难度大,需要高密度的人工照料 较易种植,不需要太多人力
口感丰富,回味好 口感单一,偏苦涩味
咖啡因含量较低 咖啡因是arabica的两倍
豆形较小,中间裂纹曲折 豆形较大,裂纹较直
价格较高 价格较低
用于制作高档咖啡饮品 多用于制作速溶咖啡,用于降低成本

一般我们买到的咖啡豆,有一面是平的,上面还有一条裂沟,这正是咖啡樱桃里的两颗种子(也就是咖啡豆)相贴的那一面。这种正常的豆子,我们称之为平豆(或扁豆,flat beans)。
有些浆果只含一颗种子(原因不明),它会占满整个浆果的内部空间,看起来像是两颗略小的平豆黏在一起的样子。 这种豆我们称之为圆豆(peaberry),常出现在年轻咖啡树的树顶。
所谓“象豆(或巨大豆,maragogipe)”就是指同品种中颗粒特别大的咖啡豆。对同一种豆子而言,通常颗粒越大越就会越贵,但品质呢,就不一定成正比了。事实上咖啡最理想的产地是那种早晚温差较大、北回归线附近的地区,这样咖啡豆才不会发育太快,成了结构松散的次品 (农作物通常都是生长期较长的比较短的好,比如说大米也是如此)。但咖啡豆也不是越小越好,说不定只是发育不良而已。所以大小的分级只是个参考,商家把颗粒大的卖得比较贵,其唯一的原因只是大个头的咖啡豆看起来比较漂亮而已。

干法: 阳光自然干燥后,以去壳机除去果肉果皮称为干法加工,其风味丰富但品质不稳定。
半水洗法: 采用半水洗法加工的咖啡中最有名的是印尼曼特宁:先将浆果的皮和部份果肉剥掉(和水洗法一样),然后不经过水洗法的发酵过程,直接将还黏着残余果肉和胶质的浆果干燥(和干燥法类似),最后再把干掉的剥皮浆果弄湿,用特制的机器把果肉和种皮磨掉。半水洗法综合了水洗法和干法加工的优缺点,品质也介于两者之间。
平豆 圆豆
过滤网号 咖啡豆规格 过滤网号 咖啡豆规格
>19 特大,象豆 >13 特大
>18 大 >12 大
>17 准大 >11 准大
>16 普通 >10 普通
>15 中 >9 中
>14 小 >8 小
<13 特小 - -


苦味是咖啡的最明显的特征之一。影响苦味程度的因素主要有:品种(罗巴斯特种比阿拉比卡种要更苦);产地(某些产地出品的咖啡苦味较强烈,如印尼的苏门答腊、爪哇等);烘焙程度(较深烘焙的比较浅烘焙的要苦);咖啡因含量(咖啡因含量越高就会越苦);萃取时间(萃取时间越长就会越苦) 。

a,将新鲜烘焙、研磨的定量咖啡粉放入宽口的杯子里, 先闻其干香气(dry fragrance);
b,然后冲入温度适宜(95°c左右)的开水,闻其湿香气(wet aroma);


【摘要】 哥伦比亚(colombian)

(2)哥斯达黎加(costa rican)
(3)不含咖啡因哥伦比亚(decaffeinated colombian)
(4)危地马拉安提瓜(quatcmala antigua)
(5)肯尼亚aa(kenya aa)
(6)摩卡(mocha djimma)
(7)巴西山度士(brazil santos)
(8/9)爪哇/苏门答腊(sumatran and java)印度尼西亚
----印度尼西亚咖啡以味道浓厚、酸度较高着称。其中曼达灵及安果拉(mandheling and ankola)咖啡均被誉为世界最优良之品种,又以曼达灵lintong之浓烈味道,饮后齿颊留香之特色而倍受推崇。
(10)印度米索(indian mysore)
(12)夏威夷康拿(hawaii kona)
(13)贵族咖啡(noble coffee)
(14)新几内亚(new guinea)
(15)牙买加蓝山(jamaican blue mountain)





一杯真正的咖啡是亲手研磨、亲手冲煮的。煮好后色泽黑如淡褐 色,当你加入鲜奶之后,又转呈金铜色,这杯咖啡足以让蓝色小 精灵们着魔。


咖啡是咖啡末与水相遇后萃取出的精华。因此,除了好咖啡豆 外,水质和水温当然是释放咖啡香醇的关键角色。建议你在水龙 头下装一个含有活性碳的过滤器,这样才能拥有适合冲煮咖啡的 好水。























































caffe latte:
