
Skateboarding doesnt have a certain origin. Nobody truly knows which is it. Some people believe that Skate began on the surfing beaches of California, U.S.A. around the 50s. People say that some surfers put wheels on a piece of wood. This began because of the lack of good waves to surf, and surfers just looked for another sport when this happened. It mainly started like sidewalk surfers?

The design of skateboards was inspired in surfboards, at the beginning they where quite similar, but with the time the design changed because of commodities. The first manufactured skateboards where born in 1965. They were an inch thick, had rubber wheels, and cast ?iron trucks.

Competitions soon started down the sidewalks between skateboarders, some of this were: Free Style, Slalom, Down Hill, High Jump and finally Long Jump. Some time passed by, and skateboarders started using drainage channels, routes, and some places around buildings.

Vert skating began using swimming pools. The transitions were too vertical and fast, and jumps turned better.

The first Skateparks were built in the U.S. This were the main hang-out places for skaters, soon, pool and Vert skating became the most popular form of skating. Vert skating demanded harder boards, so manufacturers built them wider for more stability and changed the old rubber wheels for polyurethane wheels, which were faster!

Barefoot skating was now forgotten except by a few of the old die-hard "sidewalk surfers". The new skaters figured out that gym shoes had more stability and didn't hurt as bad when you wipe-out.

Early eighties arrived with a dive in skateboarding popularity. Skateparks closed the doors, manufacturers stopped manufacturing and worst of all, skateboard magazines switched over to BMXing and roller-skating. But a few hardcore skaters kept going. Those dedicated skaters advanced skateboarding cy creating their own techniques, writing their own magazines, and building some of there own boards and layouts.

This is when half-pipes arrived. Simpler and cheaper than pools, they could be built by the skater himself. Tricks were used in street skating that, before, had only been used by Vert skaters, Street ollies, slide'n'rolls, and curb grinds( most of which have different names now) are classic as street skaters moves, all of which were made by Vert skaters. Street skating is still probably one of the most popular forms or boarding. Every skater is a street Slater because that's where his roots are from. It's just that some skaters forget a few things along the way.

Vert skating 开始使用swming pools(?),这样的转变很有实用性,跳起的高度有所提高。
第一个滑板场建在美国,这是个对溜冰者来说很空闲的地方,不久pool和vert skating成为最流行的溜冰形势,vert skater要求结识的滑板,为了稳定和速度制造者分别把滑板变宽,轮子材料换成聚安酯。
这就是half-pipe的来临,比?简单且便宜,场地可以自己设计,以前vert skater将技巧用在大街上,Streetollies, slide'n'rolls, and curb grinds(各地叫法不同)的动作像vert skater一样经典,街头滑板或许还是一种很流行的运动,每个溜冰者都像个street Slater因为他们就生活在这里,就好像一些skater忘了路边的东西一样。
个人认为swming pool 可能是vert skater在没水的游泳池里玩,后来发明了half-pipe, half-pipe就是现在比赛时用的类似半圆形的跑道。
翻译的不太好 ,你应该可以看明白
第1个回答  2007-05-01
skateboardingdoesn't有一定的渊源. 没有人真正知道是哪一种呢. 有些人认为滑板开始对冲浪海滩,美国加州约50-70. 有人说,有些网友把车轮上的一块木头. 由此开始,由于缺乏良好的海浪为冲浪 而网友们只看到另一种运动,当这件事发生. 它主要开始像人行道网友? 设计的滑板是激发surfboards,一开始他们那里很相似, 但随着时间的设计改变,因为商品. 第一制造滑板那里出生于1965年. 他们是一寸厚,有橡胶轮子,和演员? 钢铁卡车. 比赛即将开始沿着人行道之间skateboarders,这几个人:自由的风格,激流回旋,落山, 跳高,终于跳远. 一段时间通过,skateboarders开始使用排水渠道的路线,而一些地方,周围建筑物. vertskating开始使用游泳池. 跃迁过于纵向快,跳起好转. 第一skateparks建于美国,这是主要的杭出地方滑冰,很快 池和vertskating成为最受欢迎的形式溜冰. vertskating要求harder议会 等厂商建立广泛的人更稳定,改变了旧胶轮聚氨酯车轮 其中更快! 赤脚溜冰被遗忘,现在除了几个老怙恶不悛"人行道网友". 新skaters想通了,到健身房运动鞋有较稳定,没有伤害的那样坏,当你擦拭淘汰. 八十年代初,到达了在潜水滑板受欢迎. skateparks封闭的大门,厂商停止生产和最坏的情况,滑板杂志改用bmxing和轮滑. 但也有少数死硬skaters保持下去. 那些致力于先进溜冰滑板cy创造自己的技巧,写自己的杂志, 及建设一些有自己的议会和布置. 这是在半管道抵达. 简单和便宜的游泳池,它们可以由运动员本人. 花招用在街头滑冰,以前只用vert滑冰,街道ollies,slide'n'rolls, 遏制grinds(其中大部分有不同的名字现在)是典型的街头滑冰动作, 所有这些都作了vert滑冰. 街头溜冰仍可能是世界上最流行的形式或寄宿. skater每一条街道斯莱特,因为这正是他的根源是来自. 这只是一些滑冰忘记了几件路上.

