
1.Because aggressive individuals are more likely to survive and reproduce, whatever genes are linked to aggressive behavior are more likely to be transmitted to subsequent generations. 请问“whatever genes are linked to aggressive behavior are ...” 在语法上该如何分析,为什么有两个 are ?
2. In the steam-engine analogy, verbal aggression may vent some of the aggressvie steam. So might cheering on one's favorite sports team. 请问“So might cheering on one's favorite sports team. ” 这句话在语法上应该如何分析?
3. For example, they assume that other people mean them harm when they do not. 请问“mean them harm” 在语法上应该如何分析?


第一句,whatever genes are linked to aggressive behavior是一个从句作主语,意思是“无论是何种与侵略性行为相关的基因”,后面的are more likely to be transmitted to subsequent generations是主句后半部分,意思是“都更可能被传递给此后的几代人”。
第二句,是个省略句,省略了谓语和宾语,So指代的是前面一句的vent some of the aggressive steam.意思是“为自己心爱的球队欢呼加油或许也能释放某些侵略性的内心火气”(就像蒸汽机的原理一样)。这里的cheering on one's favorite sports team是个主语短语,相当于前面句子里的verbal aggression(语言表达上的咄咄逼人)
第三句,mean sb. harm是个词组,意思是“意图伤害某人”,也可以说mean to harm sb.
句子意思是“他们认为别人企图伤害他们,可实际上并非如此”。后面一个they和第一they不是指代相同对象,后面指代的是other people.

第1个回答  2011-04-19
第一题 Because aggressive individuals are more likely to survive and reproduce, whatever genes are linked to aggressive behavior are more likely to be transmitted to subsequent generations.

1)原因状语从句:Because aggressive individuals are more likely to survive and reproduce,

2)主句:whatever genes are linked to aggressive behavior are more likely to be transmitted to subsequent generations. 其中——

□ 嵌套主语从句 —— whatever genes are linked to aggressive behavior
* 主语:whatever gens 不管什么样的基因
* 谓语部分:are linked to aggressive behavior (被动语态)都与攻击行为有联系
注:形容词性的连接词 whatever 可以用来引导名词从句(主语、宾语、表语),表示“所有的…/不管什么样的…”。在本句中,它引导的是主语从句,意思是“所有基因无论与攻击行为有什么联系”
□ 系表结构的谓语部分 —— are more likely to be transmitted to subsequent generations 都更有可能被遗传给后代。

显而易见,前一个 are 是主语从句中被动语态的助动词,后一个 are 是主语从句和表语之间的系动词。


第二题. In the steam-engine analogy, verbal aggression may vent some of the aggressive steam. So might cheering on one's favorite sports team.
1)so 在此处是代词,经常用在诸如say, call, speak, tell, think, hope, expect, suppose, imagine, fear, hear, do 等动词后作宾语,指代上文中一提到过的一件事。
2)这里用了倒装语序,用正常语序表示就是:cheering on one's favorite sports team might (vent) so
3)本句中的 so 指代上文的 some of the aggressive steam,恢复完整为 cheering on one's favorite sports team might vent some of the aggressive steam.

* 主语(动名词短语):cheering on one's favorite sports team
* 谓语动词 might (vent)
* 宾语:so (= some of the aggressive steam)


第三题. For example, they assume that other people mean them harm when they do not.

Mean 在此处意思是“意欲给…造成”,后面的 them harm 是双宾语,them 是间接宾语,harm 是直接宾语,意思是“企图给他们造成伤害”。


“whatever genes are linked to aggressive behavior”= any genes that are linked to aggressive behavior,是这样子的吧? 倘若在原句中加个"that" 变成 “whatever genes that are linked to aggressive behavior ......” 这样子是不是在语法上就错误了呢?


1. whatever genes are linked to aggressive behavior 在意思上等于 any genes that are linked to aggressive behavior,
2. 如果变成 whatever genes that are linked to aggressive behavior... ,由于 whatever = any genes that,二者置换以后,句子就变成 (any genes that)that are linked to aggressive behavior。也就是说倘若在原句中加 that, 势必会存在一个暗含的的 that 和一个多余的 that,出现了重复错误。

第2个回答  2011-04-19

1、linked前面的are应该去掉:因为一个句子只能有一个谓语动词,后面的are跟上不定式就等价于谓语了,前面必须是非谓语,此处是被动,所以linked前面的are不能留着。注意:此处不是什么主语从句作主语,因为are more likely to的逻辑主语是gene,是基因被transmit到后代中去。从句作主语的话whatever前面还要加个that,而且意思和逻辑是矛盾的。

2、此句的might无论怎么说都无法让人理解:如果做名词的话,它是一种strength,明显语意不通,如果是情态动词,后面跟cheering这个ing形式更是不通(更何况缺主语)。注意:此句也不是什么倒装句,might既不能做助动词也不能做行为动词,即使是在So do I这样的结构中,do只不过是行为动词的“象征性”替代,它还是做谓语的,只不过是倒装罢了。

3、此句的mean them harm更应该改成mean harm to them,这样更好理解,不过如果从英语的用词习惯来说的话,mean sb sth也是面前能说通的。
第3个回答  2011-04-19
1. Because aggressive individuals are more likely to survive and reproduce, whatever genes are linked to aggressive behavior are more likely to be transmitted to subsequent generations.
析:主框架:because –从句,whatever geens-主语从句 are more likely to be transmitted to subsequent generations.
主语从句=any genes that are linked to aggressive behaviors 与进攻性行为相关的任何基因

2. In the steam-engine analogy, verbal aggression may vent some of the aggressive steam. So might cheering on one's favorite sports team.
析:So does he; so might he, 是常见的倒装句,表示前者的情况也适用于后者。cheering on one’s favorite sports team 动名词短语作主语。

3. For example, they assume that other people mean them harm when they do not.
析: mean sb harm “意欲给…造成伤害,mean为双宾动词。
eg. I mean you no harm. 我并无伤害你的意思。
He means no harm to anyone. 他无意伤害任何人。追问

“whatever genes are linked to aggressive behavior”= any genes that are linked to aggressive behavior,是这样子的吧? 倘若在原句中加个"that" 变成 “whatever genes that are linked to aggressive behavior” 这样子是不是在语法上就错误了呢?


是的,错的。名词性从句中的what本身包括了that, 所以what you said= the words that you said.
what that you said是错的。
whatever genes are linked...= any genes that are linked...,

第4个回答  2011-04-26
1. because引导原因状语从句,状语从句中whatever引导主语从句在句中做主语。前面一个are是从句部分的谓语,第二个are是主句的谓语。
2.此句为so引导的倒装句。前面一句中用了may, 在构成倒装句时,谓语部分情态动词,助动词要一致。在So might cheering on one's favorite sports team中,so指代的是verbal aggression may vent some of the aggressvie steam。might 对应的是上句话中的may。cheering on one's favorite sports team做的是主语。因为so引导的此类倒装句中,句式为:so+助动词/ 情态动词+主语。
3. mean them harm是动词跟双宾语的形式:mean sb. sth.“意味着给他们带来伤害”双宾语中,人是间接宾语,物或事件是直接宾语。同类词还有tell,give, ask等都是接双宾语的动词。