表姐说我是一个操心的人,但是我外表很乐观,问她怎么能看出来,就给一段英语,求翻译:Yuan Tiangang?

Yuan Tiangang concluded that he did little discussion in his life, and it was difficult to rely on his ancestors to make claims. He made waves with a single horse and a single gun. In his early years, his old suanmianzhun com age was not long. This life is not rigid or soft in human nature, non-toxic in heart, and has a beginning and an end. Mandarin ducks in the pond look for food, gather easily, and scatter easily. Their six relatives are unable to do their best. Their wealth is changeable, and they worry about labor. They hate the cold window very early. They broke it all and start from scratch again. They can start a family and a career only after thirty-five or six. They sail outside forty with the wind, and they are stable at fifty. At the end, they are limited to surging business and hard matching in their wife's palace, When the child died, he lived 70 yuan and died in mid May.
Hai palace, the birthday star, is kind-hearted, enlightened, self-restraint and helping others. People in the Hai palace have strong emotions and keen nerves, so they are enthusiastic in dealing with people and things. If things exceed their points, they have gone beyond their reason. On the contrary, they are easy to cause misunderstandings and criticism from others. His essence is humility. If he can cultivate himself and be calm, he will be more knowledgeable in the world. In his life, he ignored his personal property and was willing to stay in a peaceful state with his relatives and friends. If you have bad luck every year.







第1个回答  2021-11-17