
一个以追求平等自由为目的的大学,居然培养了这么多以维护“独裁”为己任的“社会精英”。 这其中最主要的问题就是在近几十年中,政府极大地干预高校教育,使它们看上去更像是一个为政府服务的机构。

Such a university aiming at the pursuance of freeedom actually brought up/trained so many 'social meritocracy' sticking up for 'autarchy' as one's own purpose.
The uppermost enigma/problem is that the government extremely interrupted high education in past decades, which looked like a superior servant structure.

1) 严格按照汉语含意主干‘大学培养精英’,其他作为次要成分,将其作为定语状语修饰各自的对象。恰如其分地运用‘aiming at the pursuance of freeedom’作为后置定语修饰‘a university’,很好地表达出‘以......为目的’的汉语意思;
2) 在汉语中‘追求平等自由’动宾结构,在英语中选‘追求’为名词,使得句子安排得当;
3) ‘培养’一词,经过推敲,选了‘bring up’。其含有‘提升’的意思。当然‘train’也不错,可以考虑选用;
4) ‘为己任’用了‘one's own purpose’;
5) ‘维护’选了‘stick up for’英语小词汇,意思清楚,文字简要;
6) ‘社会精英’,前面朋友很多用了‘social elite’没有‘social meritocracy’好,它有‘精英领导,精英阶级的领导们’的含意;
7) ‘问题’一词,我选用了‘enigma’而不用‘problem’,我认为这更多的是一个‘谜团与不可思议的东西’;
8) ‘政府服务的机构’完全是一个政府的‘superior servant structure’。

第1个回答  2009-06-02
A university advocating freedom and equality has actually fostered so many "elites" who support and even take as their own responsibilities the prevalence of "autocracy"(实际上我认为这里的autocracy不应该加引号). The dominanting reason for this is that over the past few decades, the Government interference in college education was so big that made the colleges & universities now look more like organizations serving the Government rather than educational institutes.




第2个回答  2009-06-02
One takes running after equal liberty as the purpose university , goes so far as to have trained regarding defending "dictatorship" as self's own duty much like this "outstanding person of society". This among them mainest problem is the middle of the year in almost several tens , that the government interferes with colleges and universities tremendously educates their seem seeming as if one is the organization that the government serves more , makes.

第3个回答  2009-06-15

Despite its goal being the pursuit Liberty and Freedom, the university has ended up indoctrinating so many "social elites" who are self-appointed defenders of totalitarianism. The primary cause is that, during the past several decades, higher education has been subject to such excessive interference by the government that universities now bear a close resemblance to government subsidiaries.

For a university, its pursuit of Liberty and egalitarianism notwithstanding, to have produced many autocratic "social elites," the crux of the matter lies in the extensive governmental interference of higher education in the recent decades, so much so that universities bear a resemblance to government subsidiaries.
第4个回答  2009-06-02

第一句,这句话比较难点,我觉得英语翻译最好不要直译,目的这个单词,我是通过orientalted 这个单词反映的。我没见过英语中还有双引号的。

Such a college,which is orientalted(定位) by the spirit of pursuiting the equal and freedom,has actually (居然)trained so many social elites,who always safeguard the dictatorship ,and take this as their responsibility .


The mainly reason is that,in recent decades,the government interfered college education extremely ,as a result,the college more like organizations that serving for the government .