
请全部翻译成韩语 韩国在移动电子商务发展方面处于世界前列。移动电子商务是通过手机、PDA等移动终端安全地通过移动通信网络和网络在线进行涉及贸易和支付等一系列金融交易的新型商务活动。韩国政府一贯大力支持信息产业的发展,其良好的市场环境、产业链的紧密合作使其移动电子商务产业得以蓬勃发展。韩国的网络覆盖率高,运营商地位强势。为了配合业务的发展,韩国普遍采取定制手机的策略,三星、LG等终端厂商,按照运营商的要求,提供各种功能强大、针对性强的终端设备。占据韩国移动电子商务领导地位的是三家公司:SKT、KTF和LGT。其中LGT是韩国第三个推出CDMA服务的运营商,也是全球最早推出第一个Java移动电话的企业。主要针对低端用户和年迈老人,为他们提供低廉的业务。在业务方面,LGT也与其他运营商一样推出了电视会议、移动定位等服务。我们留学生使用的都是LG手机。在市场接近饱和并且竞争激烈的韩国移动通信市场,用户ARPU值和业务收入还能保持不断增长,其成功经验在于业务种类丰富。实行用户市场细分。针对每部分用户,运营商提供量身定制的业务以及相应的资费套餐。积极采用新技术。建设使用3G网络,保持网络的先进性。实行手机补贴。

第1个回答  2009-04-21
In the network era, as a result of the broad popularity of the Internet, businesses can take advantage of this global network will extend the scope of business activities to the world. E-business networks allow buyers and sellers in the formation of a good simple interface, so that supply and demand sides are thousands of miles away, through the network as quickly as the face-to-face to complete the transaction, so that a variety of online transactions by electronic payment instruments, clearing and accounts . Enterprises of raw materials procurement, production, organization and coordination of advertising and product sales will be a series of changes occurred. With the computing power and increasing bandwidth, whether it is business or customer needs, on the Internet on various forms of contact, cooperation and exchange will continue to rapidly increase the requirements. Examples of these types of applications, including customer service, complaint handling, financial services, marketing automation and human resources management. E-business should include all possible trading partners, such as users, goods or services providers, carriers, banks, insurance companies, health departments, as well as all other external information sources and beneficiaries. Any kind of organization, including sales, customer service, operations, procurement, supply, manufacture, production, transportation, finance, accounting and personnel workers can make use of a series of e-business applications. The role of e-business include, 1) in terms of time, value and services to enhance their competitiveness (2) to improve the user quality of service (3) the coordination of business processes (4) low manufacturing, distribution and support costs. Information into the development of e-commerce may be brought. E-commerce depends on information technology and development of information technology in the application of economic activities. Therefore, the development of e-commerce to human changes in the way of thinking with a specific meaning. Its businesses and consumers the way of thinking will have a direct influence on the electronic transactions are not directly involved in activities, will also have an indirect impact. The traditional concept of space-time manufacturers and consumers are changing. E-commerce conducted through the network, when the business via the Internet for business activities, they must first of all, the traditional concept of space and time be amended. The concept of point of view from space, e-commerce posed by the scope of the new space does not exist before, it has two significant characteristics: First, rely on the Internet by the formation of the spatial extent and scope of the different territories, it knows no geographical boundaries; Second, in the space of the main scope of activities through the Internet network is mainly linked to each other. Concept from the time point of view, there is no time on e-business interruption, on-line store is opened 24 hours a day. A sales staff, if still the traditional way of working eight hours to meet the requirements of customers, he may lose valuable sales opportunities. In remote areas and small producers, even the peasants, and in large cities can now stand on the same business sales starting line. But also in the Internet, not the size of the sub-enterprise customers access to the product, consider the quality and credit, the virtual network of competition in the market will become more and more intense and is spread to people very familiar with the physical market, this reality No one can be ignored. It is clear that e-commerce through virtual means of a traditional market shrinking time and space limits of the place. People often say, seeing is believing, but today saw at first hand in the Internet is not an entity of the market, but a virtual marketplace. This means that any one product line is impossible to touch. Such a virtual market, the construction does not require the construction of shopping malls, no store rental costs, there is no backlog of goods, inventory, limited operating scale, and very easy to maintain with customers direct and close contact. In this market, with the exception of the product itself is an entity all of the procedures involved in commodity transactions, including contracts, financial and transport document, are to the virtual way. This mode of trading, on the one hand, reduced transaction costs and improved trading efficiency; On the other hand, also increased the intensity of competition. To show people before, it will be global, all-round competition. Global competition, means that enterprises must face the world of business, geographical limitations, the limitations of size will disappear. All-round competition, means must be "solid" means that the product quality, and "virtual" means that the proper network marketing techniques combined will it be possible to achieve marketing success, otherwise, is bound to be fierce new markets out of competition. Represented by a network of information productivity for the profit lies in the creation and promotion of the role, it is a fundamental blindness to overcome the production technology may be provided so that the goal of human behavior to improve the success rate achieved. Information society not only rely on the source of profit for capital, but also rely on the information, the rapid dissemination of information will lead to huge profits.