

“退休时身份类别”Retirement identity category
“军转干部”Demobilized cadres
“工会主席”Union president
“退休时工作单位”Retirement work unit
“单位性质”Units of nature
“批准退休单位”Approved by(翻译为 由...批准 即可)
“退休后居住地址”Residential address
“社会保障号码”Social Security Number
“发证日期”Date of issue
“中华人民共和国退休证”People's Republic of Retirement Certificates(简写PRRC)
第1个回答  2012-06-18
Retirement status categories "," go army cadres "," Union "," unit of work when he retired "," nature "," approved retirement unit "," residential address after retirement "," Note "," social security number "," date of issue "," People's Republic of China certificate of retirement "
第2个回答  2012-06-18

Retirement status categories "," go army cadres "," Union "," unit of work when he retired "," nature "," approved retirement unit "," residential address after retirement "," Note "," social security number "," date of issue "," People's Republic of China certificate of retirement "