





1, On X X, XXX and XXX officially moved to 30F of XXX building together, which made the first step towards to the merge of these two companies

2, On X X, the first Southern China logistics branch managers meeting was held in XXX building. On the meeting, each branch manager reported the business status and future development plan, clarified the principle that Guangzhou branch will assist and instruct the other branchs on the business side to improve the overall development of each branches.

3, On XX , Mr. XXX, director of XXX group visited our company, listened the report from XXX Guangzhou and all subsidiaries.

4, On X X and X, XXX Guangzhou and XXX Guangzhou organized 2 days staff tour to Shenzhen OCT. More than 100 staff participated, through this activity, mutual understanding and communication between colleagues were improved, mutual friendship was enhanced.
5, On X X, XXX Guangzhou domestic logistics department organized the first Operation skill competition from all staffs from XXX and XXX. Through this skills competition, the quality awareness, safety and operation efficiency were enhanced..

第1个回答  2012-05-28
1, dated, XXX and XXX officially moved into XXX building on 30 F office, from now on two clubs integrative moved at a first step.

2, dated, in XXX at the first building in south China logistics branch of packet meeting, the meeting, each branch of the report of the company's business status and future development planning, clear the guangzhou branch next to assist and guide other branches all aspects so as to promote the business in south China each company whole policy of development.

3, dated, XXX group director Mr. XXX to visit my company, visit listened to XXX guangzhou and XXX guangzhou department work report.

4, dated, X,, guangzhou and XXX guangzhou combination XXX organization the staff shenzhen oct 2, eastern summer travel, participants in more than 100 people, through this activity, increased the colleague of mutual understanding and communication, and enhance the mutual friendship.

5, dated, XXX guangzhou domestic logistics organizational XXX and XXX faculty members held the first operation skills contest. Through this skills contest, the staff to enhance the quality consciousness, safety consciousness and operation efficiency.
第2个回答  2012-05-28
1, X X, XXX and XXX officially move into XXX building 30F centralized office, then take two clubs integration step first.
2, X month X day, in the XXX building was held the first times in Southern China logistics branch is responsible for the assembly line, on the meeting, each branch is responsible for reporting the business status and future development plan, made clear Guangzhou branch will assist and instruct the other branch of the business to promote the Southern China area the company's overall development policy.
3, X month X day, XXX group managing director, Mr. XXX to visit my company, visit listened to XXX Guangzhou and XXX Guangzhou subordinate departments to report.
4, X X, X, XXX Guangzhou and XXX Guangzhou organized staff Shenzhen OCT East2summer tour, more than 100 participants, through this activity, increase mutual understanding and communication between colleagues, enhance mutual friendship.
5, X X, XXX Guangzhou domestic logistics organizational XXX and XXX staff held the first operation skill competition. Through this skills competition, enhance the quality awareness of employees, safety and operation efficiency.