
中专三年的学习生活,大量的实习经验,在掌握扎实的专业功底的同时,也使我养成了冷静自信的性格和踏实严谨的工作作风,增强了我的团队合作精神和能力,赋予我参与社会竞争的勇气。我清楚的认识到时代对复合型人才的需求,所以,我在努力学好本专业的基础上,不断的拓宽自己的知识面。但同时我深知三年时间是短暂的,所学的知识是有限的,中专培养的仅仅是一种思维方式和学习方法,“纸上谈兵终觉浅,绝知此事要躬行"。因此我将在今后的实践中虚心学习、不断钻研,积累工作经验,不断提高工作能力。 "器必试而先知其利钝,马必骑而后知其良驽。"我深信:只要我找到一个支点,就能撬起整个地球,只要给我一片土壤,我会用年轻的生命云耕耘,您不仅能看到我的成功,而且能够收获整个秋天。这就是我的自信和能力的承诺。

第1个回答  2007-11-28
Respected leaders:
First of all thank you Chui in his busy schedule I laid on the recommended himself materials, I believe that it will not take up too much of your time, self-confidence and passion you goes to the heart of this letter hope that the honor of being your company's 1.
I called TAN You-Bin, graduated from the NC School Hainan industrial technology applications professional. In the twinkling of an eye fleeting secondary life, I learned how to succeed in life, work and study, and its possible application to reality. Enthusiasm is my good nature, humor Scherzo is my characteristics. Opening, tolerance, I appear in any section lively, cheerful, and carefully consider, Bo worry, the initiative will also show my maturity elite. 100 and heard a single viewpoint and character, I much praise and attention;
Three years of secondary school life, a large number of internship experience, have a solid professional foundation, but it also made me develop the character in a cool self-confidence and solid and strict style of work, strengthen my team spirit and ability give me the courage to participate in social competition. I clearly recognize that the era of composite personnel needs, so I learn in the professional efforts on the basis of constant broaden their knowledge. But at the same time I know that three years is a short time, most of the knowledge is limited, the only secondary school training is a way of thinking and learning, "paper终觉shallow, never to know, whether the matter." So in the future I will practice with an open mind on learning and research, and accumulated experience and constantly improve our work capacity. I can not only see the success, but also to the entire autumn harvest. This is my self-confidence and capacity commitments.
Your company technology that allows the production to demand efficiency, the full implementation of the scientific and technological level of development strategies, they certainly will be useful talents fully utilized. Your company full of vigor and vitality of a modern enterprise system reform, I will make contributions to the opportunities and challenges. Although you may feel that I have learned the knowledge and your company's requirements there is still a certain gap, but I believe that through the efforts and determined to forge ahead with an open mind, can quickly make up for its own deficiencies, and to play to their strong points. I sincerely hope that your company can become a glorious one, and your company's development and make due contributions to take off.
I sincerely wish the cause of your company developed and prosperous!
Yours sincerely
Recommended himself: TAN You-Bin
