
校园生活里从恶作剧的无聊娱乐, 温馨的两小无猜, 爱情亲情友情学业统统圆满。兴奋的开场, 篮球赛决赛日的最后十多分钟, 歌舞配合比赛掀起了序幕。随着毕业日子的逼近, 进入了深层心理矛盾, 选择的挣扎, 分离的悲哀,准毕业生要面对的是前方不可见的未来, 将来前途的掌握, 兴趣与家人意愿的冲突。更重要是各情感的考验, 没有了高中背景而各散东西的感情会否随之而散。充满活力的青春,真挚的友情,珍贵的亲情,令人忍俊不禁的小聪明,热烈的舞蹈,动人的歌声,还有关于嫉妒关于代沟。年轻的一切都在展现。但是青春活力的他们在各种矛盾中尽力找到一个平衡点,最终也是团圆美满的大结局。

  School life is composed of listless enterntainment of pratical jokes, growing up with my loving friends. All the relationships I have developd help push my school life to the zenith. It was started with the amazing opening ceromony, the last 10 minutes of basketball games, the singing contests featuring cooperation with my dear friends. However, as the graduation day come close, we fall into another side, the torture of contradictions. We are struggling in the assortment of options, the sadness brought about by separation with people we love , cloudy futures facing us as would-be graduates, the conflicts of our own intersts with family ones. At the core of all the pains, is the blow by the severance of loving affictions with my frineds, parents and relatives, humourous tricks played, rigorous dancing , charming songs, and etc and all about jealousy and generation gap, which only belong to our young age. All our energy and aplitude are presented through them. But I believe even trapped in these contradictions , we would find a balance point, which would make a happy ending for our school life.