
Because of this English background of civil conflict, English-speaking America, where there were no religious wars, as such, is often described as a land of refuge to which men and women came in order to enjoy the religious and political freedom denied them in their homeland
这个问题之前问过了 还没得到解决就被度娘吞了- - 求问最后deny them in their homeland 是修饰什么的 求分析

修饰前面的religious and political freedom的.


deny 的双宾语用法: deny sb. sth. = deny sth. to sb.
这个结构的被动态: sth. is denied sb. = sb. is denied sth.

(2) 从句中enjoy的宾语是freedom,
religious and political是前置定语. denied them in their homeland是后置定语.

逻辑关系:[the religious and political freedom] was denied them (in their homeland)

为了简略, 下面就只写关于freedom和them的关系, 因为其他部分影响不大:
逻辑关系即 freedom was denied them. 这里参照上面的(1).
主动形式 It denied them freedom.
It denied them the religious and political freedom in their homeland.

在他们的祖国, 他们得不到宗教和政治自由。

后半句是说,人们来这里寻求政治宗教庇护, 就是因为这里有这样的自由, 而他们的祖国没有.
(若完全遵从原句结构译, 可以参考楼下回答的最后半句,很清晰)来自:求助得到的回答
第1个回答  2012-08-28
deny them in their homeland ,在他们的故乡拒绝阻止他们的是……,看前面的意思,应该是修饰“the religious and political freedom ”,宗教和政治自由。
整段的意思是,因为英语背景的公民战斗,说英语的美国,这个国家(where指前面的America)没有宗教战争。因此,那里经常被形容成一个避难的地方,这个地方(to which还是指美国)男人和女人去那里为了享受他们在他们的祖国被拒绝的宗教和政治自由。