ache 与 hurt在用法上有什么区别,请举例简洁说明


1.ache 多指局部的,轻微的,持续的身体疼痛,尤指隐痛,闷痛,一般少指精神上的痛苦。
eg.He felt an ache in the chest.他感到胸部疼痛。
I‘m aching all over.我全身疼痛。
eg.He fell and hurt his arm.他跌了一跤,摔伤了胳膊。
He hurt my feeling.他伤害了我的感情。

第1个回答  2012-04-19

ACHE = dull, constant, ongoing pain 是一种隐隐约约的痛,持续不断的痛。
HURT = sharp pain, aching-pain 是一种剧痛,很痛楚的痛。

Usually I would say an ache could be described as a dull(隐约的) pain, that is, not neccesarily less painful(却不一定没有比"hurt"那麼痛), but a constant pain(但是持续的), usually from within the limb. On the other hand, "my knee hurts" could describe a sharp pain, or an aching pain.
It's difficult to describe, but I hope that helps you somewhat.

I think that "ache" is a particular kind of pain, just as Elisabetta describes it, and that "hurts" is just another way of saying "gives me pain". "I hurt my knee" is different, though; it means that I injured my knee.
这个解释有一个重点和找出了两者间的明显分别,那便是"hurt"可以用作动词: 伤害 / 弄伤。而 "ache" 则没有有这个用法。