
出场人物:王子 王妃 魔王 斗神 战神

Scene 4
出场人物:王子 王妃 魔王 斗神 战神
Figures(cast): King Princess Devil Heracles Ares
Narrator: As the little princess was caught by Devil, the king promised that he would marry little princess to anyone who was able to kill devil. This news was transmitted to a prince in the neighbourhood.
Prince: HAHA, the princess is said to be very beautiful. If I can save her, then....hehehehe..(take out the map) er, I heard she was nereby. But, nobody here, why? Hey, devil, come out.
(Devil, princess appear)
Devil: Who do you think you are talking to? Battle, dare you(can you)?
Prince: Battle? I don't need to. My understrappers are competent enough. Come on, Heracles. One more, come on, Ares
(Both of them jump from behind the prince and fight with devil and princess, after which devil was defeated)
Heracles, Ares : We are the friends of justice.
Prince: Great, hurry up, save the little princess.
第1个回答  2007-12-18
The fourth act
Appear person:The prince's imperial concubine's devil king's 斗 absolute being fights absolute being
The side is white:Because the princess is caught to walk, the king issues order, who can exterminate a devil king to save to return to princess, allow a princess supply him.This news was heard by a prince of neighboring country.
Prince:……Hear that princess orders very just of, I come to her extrication, then ……Ha ha ha ha~ (Take out map) hear the princess takes here, how what all didn't?Hey ~ !Devil king!Roll out to come to ~ !
(Devil king, the imperial concubine appears)
Devil king:That the small hair 孩 is so courageous!Have a kind to pick for the list!
Prince:Does picking the ~ beat you to want me to begin?My under charge went ~(×%×%#) to come out, the 斗 absolute being ~ comes again to come out, the war absolute being ~
Absolute being, the war absolute being jumped after death from the prince, and devil king, the imperial concubine beat, some kind of after fighting, the devil king defeats)
Absolute being, war absolute being:We are the friends of[with] justice, ~
Prince:Like, save princess ~ quickly!
第2个回答  2007-12-19
Enters the stage the character: Prince princess the fiendishperson fights the god war-god
Aside: Because princess is seized, king issues an order, whomay eliminate the fiendish person to retrieve princess, permitsprincess rations he. This news hears by neighboring country princes.
Prince: Hee hee... ... Heard that princess is good on time, I rescueher, then... ... 哦呵 ha-ha hey ~ (puts out map) not... Heardprincess area this, how what all doesn't have? Hey ~! Fiendish person!Tumbles out ~!
(Fiendish person, princess enters the stage)
Fiendish person: That small 毛孩 is such bold! Has plants onShan Tiao!
Prince: Selects ~ dozen you to want me to begin? I was under good ~ (*% * % #) came out, fought the god ~ to come (& % & % #) to come outagain, war-god ~
(Fights god, war-god after death jumps out from prince, withfiendish person, princess hits, after fights, fiendish person suffersdefeat)
Fights the god, the war-god: We are the just friend, dodges ~
Prince: Good, quickly rescues princess ~!