
自工业革命以来,机器对劳动力的替代一直存在。这种替代首先从简单重复性岗位开始,一直向高端技术型岗位延伸。在进入信息化时代以后,随着智能机器人技术的成熟,机器人种类繁多,甚至具备一定的智能思考的能力,能承担更复杂的工作,不仅广泛应用在汽车生产等制造业领域,也开始 大规模进入社会生活的各个领域,像家政服务、医疗护理等领域都出现了机器人,在更大范围内开始了替代劳动者的进程。像传统的金融业这样的高端服务业,也开始大量引进机器人服务,像自动存取款机的出现,就能不分昼夜的工作,替代了银行柜员的大量服务,而且比人工更为出色。机器的应用拓展了人类工作范围,降低了劳动强度,提高了生产效率,改善了生活质量,从另一方面,机器的应用在解放劳动力的同时,也是对现有劳动力的一种替代,代替劳动者从事重体力、危险等岗位工作。机器人上岗过程就意味着减少对该岗位员工的需求,被替代的员工就面临失业。

Since the industrial revolution , the machine had been in existence for labor substitution . First, this alternative from simple repetitive jobs , has been extended to the high-end technology-based jobs. After entering the information age , with the intelligent robot technology matures, a wide range of robots , and even have a certain ability to think smart , capable of undertaking more complex work, not only a wide range of applications such as automotive production in the manufacturing sector , have begun a large-scale into all areas of social life , such as domestic service , health care and other fields have emerged robots in a wider range of workers began a process of substitution . Like traditional high-end services such as the financial industry , have begun to introduce a large number of service robots , like the emergence of an automatic teller machine , we can work day and night to replace the large number of services the bank teller , and even better than the manual . Expand the human machine application scope of work, reduce labor intensity and improve production efficiency , improve the quality of life , on the other hand , the machine used in the liberation of labor , it is also an alternative to the existing labor force, instead of labor those engaged in heavy physical , dangerous jobs , such as working . Robot induction process is meant to reduce the demand for staff positions , to be replaced employees facing unemployment .
第1个回答  2014-05-19
a person
a man
a human being