







第1个回答  2022-12-16
Father and son led donkeys into the city, halfway on the road someone laughed at them: really stupid, there are donkeys do not ride!The father told his son to ride on the donkey, and soon after, some people said, "what an unfilial son, even let his father walk!"The father quickly told his son to come down, rode himself on the back of the donkey, and some people said, "what a cruel father, not afraid to tire the child to death!"The father even hurriedly asked his son to ride on the donkey's back. Who knows that some people say: two people ride on the back of the donkey, not afraid to crush the thin donkey to death?The father and son quickly slipped off the donkey's back, tied the donkey's four feet, and carried it with a stick. As he passed a bridge, the donkey struggled because he was not feeling well and fell into the river and drowned!Truth: a person must have his own opinion and the ability to judge right and wrong, so that he will not be influenced by the opinions of others. Don't live in other people's public opinion, walk on your own feet, and think about it in your own head.很荣幸可以帮到您,祝您生活愉快。