求一篇英语演讲稿,主题是姚明对中国社会的影响,Yao Ming's influence on Chinese Society


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Yao Ming's influence on Chinese Society
Yaoming,a bright name,as we konw,is first an excelent athelet,but what`s even vital is that Yaoming is a Chinese people!Yes!A grate Chinese of whom all we can be honour,Of whom we can all be proud,Of whom we can all be represented
For what ha had done,without doubt he makes a grand difference on China,so it is always.In the 20st century,China for the first time join the WTO,which suggests the arrival of worldwide trade.And Yaoming from then on has worked much better,not only owing to his wonderful basketball skill but also the positive model he craeted by Chinese for the westerns or the USA.
So,you may ask,What model?I think it`s a kind of spirit--a spirit of never surrender!Jusu like billions of Chinese,Yaoming in the whole affets a popution of a generation.With such a firm faith,workers never be lazy,peasents never be negative,students never be depraved,officials never be corrupt.What`s more,life standard in China begins to rise,society economy begins to devolop,international relation begins to improve,excellent China begins to take off again!
Someone said:Yaoming is a flag of China.I can`t agree to it any more.More or less,Yaoming can be called the first really going abroad Chinese people.Because of Yaoming,extreched is Americans` horison,recorrected is weaterns` poticularity,even shclcked is all the human beings!
Yaoming has a significant impact on China.Under the guidance of Yaoming, foreigners anew recognize China,which drives us Chinese doing better regardless of any aspects.Meanwhile, Chinese people has learnt much from him, which makes us Chinese braver stronger and more confident,so does it on Chinese society.
In the end,I think it can be a truth that Yaoming is just like a monument,one that we must thank and China must thank.
Thank You!
哇··终于打玩了··累死了都··很久没有这么费力气地写作文了··蒽 我感觉我写得还是不错的 蒽 你一定得采纳我哦 手打好累吖
第1个回答  2010-11-01
This photo was taken on (日期). From the bout between two excellent centers of the NBA history, the public all realize that the NBA has come to the Yao Ming Dynasty.
But 5 years ago, people obviously didn’t think so. At year 2002, when YaoMing came to America and became a member of Houston Rockets, he was only a big boy aged 22. On his arrival, the America society wasn’t quite suit him, his new life was not as easy as in China. His English was not good, when faced with reporters, often he was at a loss, although accompanied with an interpreter. Sometimes he even tried to avoid the interviews.
The differences between NBA & CBA also affected him adversely. He started a hard season. His poor English often made him misunderstand the coach’s strategy. He was tall but thin, from time to time, he was knocked over on the court. In his first game of NBA, he gained no score. At that time, all the public were in an uproar, people watched him with suspicious eyesight.
YaoMing didn’t say more to the consensus. He knew his disadvantages; he was young, diligent and talented, which was enough. Quickly he adapted himself to the NBA life. He kept making progress in the following days. On November, 2002, Barkley, the former NBA star, said that Yao wouldn‘t score 19 points in an NBA game. Two days after his comments, however, Yao scored 20 in a Rockets victory over the Lakers. And Barkley had to kiss a donkey‘s behind on national television.
Now let’s see YaoMing’s technical statistics. In his first rookie season, the average score was 13.6, and now the score reaches up to 25.7. The data shows how a super star grown up.
YaoMing has been selected for every all-star game, ever since he came to NBA. He changed the public本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2010-11-02
Yao Ming's Influence on Chinese Society
Hello,everyone.My name is ***,coming from *** School,*** City.Maybe you don't know my name,but you do know the name Yao Ming,don't you?for in China,people,men and women,young and old,boys and girls,are all familiar with it.
With a height of 227 centimetres and fantastic playing skills,Yao Ming surely belongs to the court.Basketball is like his life.Being one of the top members of NBA,Yao Ming won many games for his team.He plays so well that people in China all love him and are greatly influenced by him.
Undoubtedly,Yao Ming has become the representative of basketball in China.People enjoy his games,wear the sports clothes
with the same number as his and put his photos on the wall of the room.Wherever he goes,he is always surrounded by thousands of fans,being asked for his signature and to take pictures with.Many children say they want to be a top basketball player and play for our national team just like Yao Ming.
At the same time,Yao Ming has set a good example for teeangers in terms of the social responsibility.He has a healthy lifestyle and a patriotic feeling,which influence the Chinese people.He often donates money to the charity.He refused to make commercials that would damage the benefits of the people.
Nowadays,Mao Ming,the most popular basketball player in China,is affecting Chinese peopple thanks to not only his good playing skills but also his healthy image and patriotic feeling.
That's all.Thank you.
