

The Yao Ming Dynasty
This photo was taken on (日期). From the bout between two excellent centers of the NBA history, the public all realize that the NBA has come to the Yao Ming Dynasty.
But 5 years ago, people obviously didn’t think so. At year 2002, when YaoMing came to America and became a member of Houston Rockets, he was only a big boy aged 22. On his arrival, the America society wasn’t quite suit him, his new life was not as easy as in China. His English was not good, when faced with reporters, often he was at a loss, although accompanied with an interpreter. Sometimes he even tried to avoid the interviews.
The differences between NBA & CBA also affected him adversely. He started a hard season. His poor English often made him misunderstand the coach’s strategy. He was tall but thin, from time to time, he was knocked over on the court. In his first game of NBA, he gained no score. At that time, all the public were in an uproar, people watched him with suspicious eyesight.
YaoMing didn’t say more to the consensus. He knew his disadvantages; he was young, diligent and talented, which was enough. Quickly he adapted himself to the NBA life. He kept making progress in the following days. On November, 2002, Barkley, the former NBA star, said that Yao wouldn't score 19 points in an NBA game. Two days after his comments, however, Yao scored 20 in a Rockets victory over the Lakers. And Barkley had to kiss a donkey's behind on national television.
Now let’s see YaoMing’s technical statistics. In his first rookie season, the average score was 13.6, and now the score reaches up to 25.7. The data shows how a super star grown up.
YaoMing has been selected for every all-star game, ever since he came to NBA. He changed the public opinion. Now how people appraise him?
"Yao is not blessed with anything except God-given size and great parents," Van Gundy told the Dallas-Fort Worth Star-Telegram. "Everything else has been worked for basketball-wise. There's a lot easier roads to becoming a really, really good player in this league. He had a difficult road, and he made it through his own internal drive to be great."
YaoMing is not only a basketball player. His humor and enthusiasm make him the focus of the media. Conquered by his fascination, many Americans fall in love with China, they come to China for trips, and they begin to learn Chinese, just because of YaoMing. He associates America and China.
Yao Dynasty is going far away. Yao, my idol!
第1个回答  2007-01-06
I love Yao Ming.
Boys and girls,
Look at me!
Boys and girls!
Listen up!
This is my idol.(你可以举一张姚明的画象)
Cause he is a role model.
His name is Yao Ming.
Can you repeat after me?
Yao Ming!
And this is his number (11)(你伸出两个手指做胜利的手势)
Can you repeat after me?
Eleven, eleven!
Eleven means victory!
Yao Ming is a sportsman!
Yao Ming is a superman!
He is super.
He is a dream catcher!
His dream has come true.
He is playing in NBA.

I have no doubt he has bigger dreams in his mind.
To get a NBA champion ring!
I pray for him!
I hooray for him!
I love my idol and my idol loves me!

Boys and girls, hooray for Yao Ming!

Boys and girls, thank you for listening.

The people that I admire most is Yao Ming.Why?Because I think he is very tall.I like watching him playing basketball on TV.His skills are so wonderful,he can get points easily,and the Americans also like him,they think he is one of the most popular players in the world.
When I see him play very well in the NBA,I feel very happy and proud.He is our country's hero,so I admire him very much.
第2个回答  2007-01-06