
1.可怕的 2.因特网 3.大量的 4.严重的 5.牙医 6.发烧 7.头疼 8.药 9.刷子 10.牙齿 11.生病的 12.苍白的 13.牙疼 14.举起 15.糖果 16.照顾 17.咳嗽 18.喉咙 19.烧开 20.药片 21.休息一会 22.看医生 23.感冒 24.在晚上 25.卧床 26.睡个好觉27.发烧 28.日日夜夜 29.想要做某事 30.好好休息 31.服药 32.刷牙 33.加蜜的热茶 34.太多 35.在网上 36.好好照顾 37.躺下 38.仔细检查 39.服些药片 40.发生事故 41.请假 42.然后 43.担心 44.最好 45.大量

1. Terrible 2. Internet 3.plenty of 4. Serious 5. Dentist 6. Fever 7. Headache 8. Medicine 9. Brush 10. Tooth (teeth是复数)11. Sick 12. Pale 13. Toothache 14raise15. Candy 16. take care of 17. cough 18. throat 19. boil 20. tablets 21. have a rest 22. to see a doctor 23. cold 24. at night 25. bedridden 26.have a good sleep 27. fever 28.day and night 29. want to do something 30. have a good rest 31. take medicine 32brush teeth 33. plus hot tea with honey 34. too many 35. 0n line 36. Take good care of 37. lay 38. check carefully 39. take some medincine 40.the accident happen 41 take the day off 42.after then 43.worry44. the best 45. a lot of (楼上貌似用机器翻译的)
第1个回答  2010-08-01
第2个回答  2010-08-01
1. Terrible 2. Internet 3. A lot of 4. Serious 5. Dentist 6. Fever 7. Headache 8. Medicine 9. Brush 10. Teeth 11. Sick 12. Pale 13. Toothache 14. Raised 15. Candy 16. take care of 17. cough 18. throat 19. boil 20. tablets 21. take a break of 22. to see a doctor 23. cold 24. at night 25. bedridden 26. sleep 27. fever 28. Date day night after night 29. want to do something 30. have a good rest 31. taking 32. brush your teeth 33. plus hot tea with honey 34. too many 35. in line 36. Take good care 37. lay 38. double-check 39. serving some 40 tablets. 41 incidents. leave 42. then 43. fear 44. the best 45. a lot
第3个回答  2010-08-01
1. 2. 3, the terrible of the Internet, 4) serious 5 6 7. Dental fever and headache medicine 9 10 11. Brush teeth, sick 12 pale 13. Toothache 14 up 15 candy 16. Take care of 17. The throat, cough and pills. Boil a rest and see a doctor for cold at night and 24) in 26 sleep well and fever 28 days and nights 29 want to do something 30 rest 31 32 33 medicine brushing with honey too hot 34 35 online 36 take care of 37 lie down and carefully examined. 39. Some pills 40 accidents and then leave 41. 43. Worry 44. 45. Large