Thought to have been used first along the coast of the Mediterranean,这半句属于什么状语从句吗?

Thought to have been used first along the coast of the Mediterranean, archaeologists say the earliest evidence of opium was found in Switzerland dating from the Neolithic period.
这句话“Thought to have been used first along the coast of the Mediterranean,”这句是状语从句?的“Thought to have been used”该怎么翻译,“thought”的主语应该是什么?

Being ill, he didn't come yesterday. 因为他病了,所以昨天没来。(Being ill是现在分词短语。)
Given me twenty more minutes, I could finish it. 如果再给我二十分钟时间的话,我就能完成它。(Given me twenty more minutes是过去分词短语。)
Supper finished , we started to discuss the picnic. 吃完晚饭,我们开始讨论野餐的事。(Supper finished是独立主格结构。)
There being no danger, the police went back to their police office. 既然没有危险,警察们又回到警察局。(There being no danger是独立主格结构。)
Jack saw an old lady hit by a car on his way home. 在回家的路上,杰克 看到一个老太太被车撞了。(on his way home是介词短语。)
She looked at the snake full of terror. 她充满恐惧地看着这条蛇。(full of terror是形容词短语。)
He tried again and again. 他试了一遍又一遍。(again and again是副词短语。)
This article is much too difficult. 这篇课文实在太难了。(much too是副词短语。)

To catch the train, he got up at 5 in the morning. 为了赶火车,他早上五点就起床了。(To catch the train是不定式短语。)
We should serve customers heart and soul. 我们应该全心全意地为顾客服务。(heart and soul是名词短语。)
We have three meals a day / every day. 我们每天吃三顿饭。( a day / every day是名词短语。)
The stone weighs two tons. 这块石头重两吨。( two tons是名词短语。)
When he entered the room, I was sleeping. 当他走进房间的时候,我正在睡觉。(When he entered the room是时间状语从句。)
The moment / minute / instant he was about to leave, the phone rang. 他刚要离开,电话就响了。( The +名词moment / minute / instant 引导时间状语从句。)
Every / Each time I visit her, she is never in. 每次我拜访她时,她总是不在家。(Every / Each time 是名词短语。)
Immediately / Directly he entered the classroom, the bell for class rang. 他刚走进教室,上课铃就响了。(Immediately/ Directly是副词。)
He took a torch in case it got dark before he returned. 他带了手电筒,以备天黑以后回家之用。(in case是介词短语。)
第1个回答  2016-08-07
第2个回答  2016-08-05
Thought to have been used first along the coast of the Mediterranean, archaeologists say the earliest evidence of opium was found in Switzerland dating from the Neolithic period.

第3个回答  2016-08-05

