

In essence, a man is forever a man of spirit.

The real power is the power of thought. The real independence is complete control of one's life and lifestyle, and thinking freely and independently.

The abundance in material life and the convenience it brings about in modern society has made it easier to reach such a state, and as far as this is concerned, human beings have never been stronger in any other era before.
第1个回答  2009-08-22
In essence, the spirit of people is always a sense of people: the real power is a powerful ideological force; real stand-alone one's own life and way of life to fully grasp, as well as free, independent thinking. Modern society, an adequate level of material living conditions, as well as to facilitate the subsequent make it easier for people to get these, because the level of human being has entered a period of unprecedented power.
第2个回答  2009-08-31
Essentially, the spirit of man is always a sense of people: truly powerful is a powerful force of thought, Real independent of his life and a way of life, liberty, and fully grasp the independent thoughts. Modern social material with convenient living conditions and make it easier to get these, because human is the plane into the unprecedented strong period.
第3个回答  2009-08-21