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-爱他,是本性,是注定,是天然。 -





PS : 不要翻译器翻译的....要专业的翻译!!!







PS : 这句不用翻译也可以!!!

if you fall in an idol, please come to his live show.
go by yourself, see him for real, keep your eye on him
bacause of the life on stage may last for a long time, may be not. you will never know.....
you will never know how many time left for him, you also can't guess where will he go in the next second.

in any ordinary time, in every heartbeating moment
in every pity breath, in every happiness giddy time
in every yearning night, calling his name softly
pronounce each tone seriously, read it while stop your breath.

if you fall in an idol, please live better for him
the boy inleakage into your life slowly
the boy always touch you frequently
the boy with a clear and sweet smil
whenever how old is him,you just want to call him: boy

if you love him, please find a better life for him

do not lost your way by him
the moment you turn off you computer, everything goes back calmness, take your primiary role,back to the place you come.
he is so pretension for you to love
he expresses his dream hardly, he trying to show his best hardly
so please in love with him hardly
cause of to love him means love yourself, cause of to love him, you become more tender.
it is nature, it is destine, it is savageness to love him, -

to treat yourself good, so please put the brave on others
to detainment the beautiful thing you met in your life hardly, really hardly
for him, also for you.
第1个回答  2009-09-26