


春节即夏历(农历)新年 。


The Spring Festival is the summer calendar (Lunar New Year).

The Spring Festival in the Han Dynasty was the beginning of the Spring Festival, and later evolved into the first day of the first month of the summer calendar (that is, the first day of the lunar calendar). 

The current Spring Festival time is: the first day of the narrow lunar calendar, the first day of the lunar calendar, the first lunar month to the fifteenth.



The time of Lantern Festival is 15th of the first lunar month, and it is one of the traditional festivals in China. 

The first month is the first month of the lunar calendar, and the fifteenth day of the first month is the first full moon night of the year, so the fifteenth day of the first month is called the "Lantern Festival."



The Dragon Boat Festival, also known as the Duanyang Festival, the Heavy Lunch Festival, the Midday Festival, the Dragon Boat Festival, are traditional Chinese folk festivals. 

The Dragon Boat Festival originated from the celestial worship, which evolved from the ancient totem of the ancient totem. The time is the fifth day of the fifth lunar month.



Qixi Festival

Also known as the Seventh Festival, the Daughter's Day, etc., is a traditional Chinese folk festival, because the worship activities were held on July 7th, hence the name "Chinese Valentine's Day." 

Time: The seventh day of the seventh lunar month.



The Mid-Autumn Festival, also known as the Moon Festival, Autumn Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, Moon Festival, Reunion Festival, etc., is a traditional Chinese folk festival. 

The Mid-Autumn Festival originated from the worship of the heavens, which evolved from the autumn rituals of the ancient times. 

Since the ancient times, the Mid-Autumn Festival has been worshipping the moon, enjoying the moon, eating moon cakes, playing with lanterns, enjoying osmanthus, drinking osmanthus wine and other folk customs. 

Time: Lunar August 15th.


第1个回答  推荐于2017-11-25
1月1日January 1st New Year' Day 元旦
农历正月初一1st day of 1st lunar month Chinese New Year (Spring Festival)(春节)
农历正月十五15th day of 1st lunar month Lantern Festival (元宵节)
3月8日March 8th International Women's Day 国际妇女节
3月12日March 12th Arbor Day 植树节
4月5日April 5th Qingming Festival 清明节
5月1日May 1st Labour Day 劳动节
农历五月初五5th day of 5th lunar month Duanwu Festival (Dragon Boat Festival) 端午节
农历七月初七7th day of 7th lunar month Qixi Festival (The Night of Sevens, Magpie Festival)七夕节
农历七月15日15th day of 7th lunar month Ghost Festival 中元节
8月1日August 1st Army Day 建军节
农历八月十五15th day of 8th lunar month Mid-Autumn Festival (Moon Festival) 中秋节
农历九月初九9th day of 9th lunar month Double Ninth Festival (Chongyang Festival) 重阳节
10月1日October 1st National Day 国庆节
12月8日December 8th Laba Festival 腊八节
12月21日或22日December 21st or 22th Dongzhi Festival (Winter Solstice Festival) 冬至本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2014-08-25
例如:七月初七 the seventh day of the seventh lunar month