急求英语作文Can money buy happiness?


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Title: Can money buy happiness?

Money is an essential part of our lives. Some people believe that money can buy happiness, while others argue that it cannot. In my opinion, both sides have valid points.

On one hand, having money can certainly make life easier and more comfortable. For example, with enough money, we can travel to different places, buy things we want, and enjoy various experiences. These activities can bring us joy and contentment, which are important components of happiness. Moreover, financial stability can reduce stress and anxiety, which can have a positive impact on our mental health.

On the other hand, there are many examples of wealthy people who are unhappy. They may feel isolated, unfulfilled, or even depressed despite their wealth. This suggests that money alone cannot guarantee happiness. In fact, some studies have shown that once basic needs are met, additional income has diminishing returns in terms of happiness. This means that beyond a certain point, more money does not necessarily lead to more happiness.

In conclusion, while money can provide us with comfort and opportunities, it is not a guarantee of happiness. True happiness comes from within, and it is often found in meaningful relationships, personal growth, and a sense of purpose. Therefore, we should not rely solely on money to bring us happiness, but instead focus on cultivating these internal sources of well-being.


1. essential (adj.) - 必不可少的

2. contentment (n.) - 满足感

3. financial stability (n.) - 财务稳定

4. diminishing returns (n.) - 边际效益递减










Title: Can Money Buy Happiness?

Money is often considered as the key to happiness. Some people believe that with money, they can buy all the things they want and lead a comfortable life, which will ultimately make them happy. However, others argue that money cannot buy happiness.

Those who support the idea that money can buy happiness argue that having a lot of money can provide financial security, which in turn reduces stress and anxiety. They also believe that money can open up opportunities for experiences, such as traveling or pursuing hobbies, that can bring joy and satisfaction.

On the other hand, there are those who believe that money does not guarantee happiness. They argue that material possessions can only provide temporary pleasure and do not fulfill deeper emotional needs. Additionally, they point out that money can create its own set of problems, such as greed and jealousy.

In conclusion, while money can contribute to happiness to some extent, it is not the sole source of happiness. True happiness comes from within and cannot be bought with money alone.


1. financial security - noun phrase. 中文翻译:经济安全。

2. anxiety - noun. 中文翻译:焦虑。

3. pursue - verb. 中文翻译:追求。

4. temporary - adjective. 中文翻译:暂时的。

5. possessions - noun. 中文翻译:财产。

6. greed - noun. 中文翻译:贪婪。

7. jealousy - noun. 中文翻译:嫉妒。










Title: Can money buy happiness?

Money is often seen as a key to happiness. People believe that with more money, they can buy the things that bring them joy and satisfaction. In addition, having financial security can reduce stress and anxiety, which are known to negatively impact mental health.

However, research shows that after a certain point, more money does not necessarily lead to greater happiness. Once basic needs are met, such as food, shelter, and safety, additional income does not have a significant impact on overall well-being. In fact, studies have found that people who prioritize money and material possessions tend to be less happy than those who value experiences and relationships.

In conclusion, while money can provide temporary pleasure and security, it is not a guarantee of happiness. True happiness comes from within and is often found in meaningful connections with others, personal growth, and a sense of purpose.


1. satisfaction (n.) 满足

2. financial security (n.) 财务安全

3. anxiety (n.) 焦虑

4. negatively impact (v.) 负面影响

5. well-being (n.) 健康、幸福感

6. material possessions (n.) 物质财富

7. prioritize (v.) 优先考虑

8. meaningful connections (n.) 有意义的联系

9. personal growth (n.) 个人成长

10. sense of purpose (n.) 使命感






第1个回答  2022-06-09
Money Can't Buy Happiness
Even having the power of buying a world,money can't buy happiness.
Above all,as the old saying goes,money isn't everything.I think happiness is a precious gift given by god,not bought by money.Secondly happiness is a kind of motion which has its origin in the deeply inner part of our hearts.That is to say we can't get happiness only in an outside way by money.Finally,happiness get formed when it's a proper tings happen or occur to us.It is not like goods that we can buy by money at any time.
So,it's clear that money can't buy happiness.
第2个回答  2023-04-26
Yes, money can buy happiness, but not always. While money can certainly provide some basic needs and desires, it doesn't necessarily guarantee happiness.
Happiness is a feeling that comes from within, and it's not something that can be purchased or achieved through external factors. Sure, having a lot of money can provide opportunities for things like material wealth, entertainment, and comfort, but it doesn't necessarily guarantee that you'll feel happy.
On the other hand, having enough money to meet your basic needs and have some extra to use for things that bring you joy can definitely contribute to happiness. For example, a person who is able to provide for their family and meet their basic needs can feel more fulfilled and happy than someone who is struggling to make ends meet.
In conclusion, while money can provide some opportunities for happiness, it's not the only way to achieve it. Happiness is not something that can be purchased or achieve through external factors. Instead, it's a feeling that comes from within and can be achieved through meeting your basic needs, finding things that bring you joy, and taking care of your mental and physical health.
第3个回答  2023-06-08
Can Money Buy Happiness?
The age-old question of whether money can buy happiness has sparked numerous debates and differing opinions. While some argue that wealth and material possessions bring happiness, others believe that true happiness goes beyond monetary wealth. Let's explore both perspectives.
On one hand, money can provide comfort, security, and access to various opportunities. Financial stability can alleviate stress related to basic needs such as food, shelter, and healthcare. It can also enable individuals to pursue their passions, indulge in experiences, and enjoy a higher quality of life. Material possessions, such as a dream home or a luxurious vacation, can bring temporary joy and satisfaction.
However, happiness is a complex and subjective emotion that cannot be solely achieved through wealth. Studies have shown that once basic needs are met, the correlation between money and happiness diminishes. True happiness often stems from fulfilling relationships, personal growth, good health, and a sense of purpose in life.
For instance, having meaningful connections with family and friends, experiencing love and support, and feeling a sense of belonging are fundamental to one's happiness. Engaging in activities that bring joy, pursuing hobbies, and contributing to the community can also foster a sense of fulfillment and happiness.
Furthermore, the pursuit of wealth and material possessions can sometimes lead to negative consequences. It can create a never-ending cycle of wanting more, leading to stress, anxiety, and dissatisfaction. In some cases, the pursuit of wealth may even strain relationships and compromise one's values and well-being.
Ultimately, the key to happiness lies in striking a balance between material wealth and intangible factors that contribute to well-being. While money can provide comfort and opportunities, it is essential to prioritize relationships, personal growth, and experiences that bring genuine joy and fulfillment.
In conclusion, while money can provide certain comforts and opportunities, it alone cannot guarantee true happiness. Happiness is a multidimensional concept that encompasses various aspects of life, including relationships, personal growth, and a sense of purpose. Striving for a balanced and holistic approach to life can lead to a more fulfilling and genuinely happy existence.
Note: The above response is an opinion and does not represent an endorsement or consensus.