

Zhan Tianyou is our country outstanding patriotic engineer. From Beijing to Zhangjiakou this section of the railway, the earliest is under his auspices to build success. This is the first full engineering and technical personnel from the design and construction of our country railway line.
From Beijing to Zhangjiakou railway 200 kilometers long, is the north and northwest highway connection. At that time, the Qing government had just proposed construction plan, some of the imperialist countries will stand in the way, constructs the power they have to compete for the railway, to further control the northern part of our country. The imperialists who also refused to let things quarrel who, for a long time not to solve. They finally make one condition: the Qing government if used their engineers to build a railway, they can no longer interfere. They think that such a threat, the railway can't start, finally had to turn to their. The imperialists are all wrong, Chinese at that time had their engineer, Zhan Tianyou is one of them.
In 1905, the Qing government appointed Zhan Tianyou as chief engineer, the construction of the railway from Beijing to Zhangjiakou. The news came out, a national sensation, everybody said that this time we can fight the breath. The imperialists but they think this is a joke. There is a foreign newspaper said scornfully: "in the south to the north to the construction of Railways China engineer that hasn't been born yet." The original, from the south to the north over the Juyong Guan to Badaling, all the way mountain gully, precipitous rock faces and sheer cliffs. They think, such a difficult project, foreign famous engineer also dare not easily try, as far as Chinese, is in any case can not be completed.
Zhan Tianyou is not afraid of difficulties, but also afraid of ridicule, accepted the task resolutely, began to survey the line immediately. Where the mountains, where to bridge, where to put the steep shovel, where to put the camber change small, must pass through the survey, careful calculation. Zhan Tianyou often encourage the staff, said: "our work must first precision, not a bit careless. 'probably' 'almost' this kind of argument should not come from the mouth of the engineering personnel." He himself took the students and workers, carrying pole, carrying a theodolite, fixed point on the cliff, surveying and mapping. Beyond the often A violent wind is howling., yellow sand all over the sky, one not careful and fell into an abyss of danger. No matter how bad the condition, Zhan Tianyou always insisted on working in the field. During the day, he had to climb the mountains, survey line; at night, he was drawing, calculation under the oil lamp. In order to find a suitable route, he often ask the local farmers. Encounter difficulties, he always think: This is the first railway Chinese built herself, must fix it; otherwise, not only provoke ridicule of foreigners, may also make the China engineers lose confidence.
The railway must pass through many mountains, have to cut a tunnel, in which the number of Juyongguan and Badaling two tunnel engineering the most arduous. Juyong Guanshan potential high, thick layer of rock, Zhan Tianyou decided to use from both ends at the same time to cut into the middle way. Mountain spring water seepage down, tunnel is filled with mud. Machine no pumping site, Zhan Tianyou took the lead in carrying pail to drainage. He often talked to workers with eat to live, not to leave the site. Badaling tunnel length of one thousand more than 100 meters, is three times as long as Juyongguan tunnel. He consult together with the old workers, decided to adopt the central shaft sinking method, first from the top of the mountain in one shaft, respectively to the two cut ends, the outside also construction, to shorten the construction period by half.
The railway through the Tsing Lung Bridge nearby, especially big slope. Train how to climb that steep? Zhan Tianyou down the mountain, the design of a "human" - shaped line. The north of the train to the South was two locomotive, one in front a behind the push pull. Through the Tsing Lung Bridge, to the northeast along the train, after a "human" - shaped line crossings is upside down, the original locomotive push pull, push and pull the locomotive originally, allowing the train to break the Northwest forward. In this way, it will be easier to train up the mountain.
Jing Zhang railway was completed less than four years, two years ahead of schedule. This matter to the contempt of China imperialists a powerful counterattack. Today, we go to Badaling by train, across the Tsing Lung Bridge station, you can see a statue, it is Zhan Tianyou's statue.