cross, over, through在使用上有何区别?


"Through" 强调穿过障碍,完成整个过程。"Over" 强调越过物体或克服某种障碍。"Across" 强调从一边到另一边,或者在表面上横跨、传递信息。"Cross" 强调横穿道路、交叉点或相互交叉。它们在释义、用法、使用环境、影响范围和形象上存在一些区别,具体内容如下所示。

1. 释义区别:

"Through" 表示从一个物体、地方或障碍的内部穿过。

"Over" 表示从一个物体或地方的上方通过或越过。

"Across" 表示从一个物体或地方的一边到另一边。

"Cross" 表示在交叉点或交叉路口横穿或横过。


I walked through the tunnel to reach the other side.


The bird flew over the tree and disappeared from sight.


They swam across the river to get to the opposite bank.


We need to be careful when crossing the street.


2. 语法区别:

"Through" 可以用作介词、副词和形容词。

"Over" 可以用作介词、副词和形容词。

"Across" 可以用作介词和副词。

"Cross" 可以用作动词、名词、形容词和副词。


We walked through the forest. (介词)


He read the book through. (副词)


It's a through road, so you can drive straight. (形容词)


The plane flew over the ocean. (介词)


He jumped over the fence. (副词)


The book fell off the shelf and landed on the floor with its cover over. (形容词)


We swam across the lake. (介词)


She ran across the field to catch the ball. (副词)


They built a bridge across the river. (介词)


The message was written across the board. (副词)


He helped the old lady cross the street. (动词)


There is a pedestrian cross at the intersection. (名词)


The box is marked with a red cross. (形容词)


He walked cross-legged on the floor. (副词)


3. 用法区别:

"Through" 强调通过障碍、完成整个过程或穿过整体。

"Over" 强调越过、在...之上或在空间方向上。

"Across" 强调横跨、从一边到另一边或在表面上。

"Cross" 强调横穿、交叉或相交。


She persevered through all the difficulties and succeeded in the end.


The airplane flew over the mountains.


They swam across the pool to the other side.


The two roads cross each other at the intersection.


4. 使用环境区别:

"Through" 通常用于表示穿过障碍物、完成任务或经历的情况。

"Over" 通常用于表示越过物体、空间或克服障碍的情况。

"Across" 通常用于表示横跨物体、区域或传递某种信息的情况。

"Cross" 通常用于表示横穿道路、交叉点或相互交叉的情况。


She managed to get through the crowded street.


He climbed over the wall to enter the garden.


The bridge spans across the river.


Be careful when you cross the busy intersection.

