英语作文600字 词汇的重要性

英语作文600字 词汇的重要性

  learning English vocabulary is very important for your English study,If English is a building ,vocabulary is the tile of the building.If you don't got enough tile you can't finish the architecture.English study need vocabulary likes build process need tile,somebody think read vocabulary from memory is too hard ,and takes a lot of time.but it is can't be omited,everythings needs hardwork,no pains no gain.so don't complain about it please,just look it as a process of collecting precious stone,just do it and you will win a diamond future for yourself.
第1个回答  2016-03-01
learning English vocabulary is very important for your English study,If English is a building ,vocabulary is the tile of the building.If you don't got enough tile you can't finish the architecture.English study need vocabulary likes build process need tile,somebody think read vocabulary from memory is too hard ,and takes a lot of time.but it is can't be omited,everythings needs hardwork,no pains no gain.so don't complain about it please,just look it as a process of collecting precious stone,just do it and you will win a diamond future for yourself.追问

