
用英语写日记,是提高英语写作能力的一个好办法, 因为把每天的生活用英语记录下来本身就可以积累词汇,增进对一些单词的用法的认识。而且每天用英文记日记还可以培养对使用英语的兴趣。日记是记录每天日常生活的事情,所以用到的词汇都是简单常用的,而且每天自己发生了什么记录下来是件恨快乐的事情。所以用英语写日记不是件很难的事情。用日常的词语,使用简单的句型,有条理的记录每天的事情。在使用词汇的时候可以尝试同一个意思尽量使用不同的同义词。以提高自己的词汇量。

时间可以是无价的. 因为人只有一次生命,生命的长度是有限的,一旦过去了就无法重来了,无论你有多么富有,多么有权利,都无法买到时间。时间的价值在于你怎么使用她,如果你只是荒废时光,什么都不做,那时间对于这样的人来说就是毫无价值的。

1. it is a good way to improve your ability on english writing by writing dairies in english.because the records of everyday life in english itself could help you to accumulate vocabulory, to know the further meaning and usage of some words, and to arouse the interest of english.due to the records which are about daily life, the words in it are common. And it is a happy thing to write down what happened to yourself during the daytime.so it is not difficult to write dairy in english. Record the things every day logically with common words and simple sentences.try to use different words to express the same meaning, in order to enrich your vocabulary.

2. time may be invaluble. because life is limited. once it's gone and never come back. no matter how rich you are and how powerful you are, you can't buy time for yourself. the value of time is based on how you make a good use of it. if you just dile away the time and do nothing, it is meaningless for such a person.
cherish time and take advantage of it, please. make great contributions within the limited time as much as you can. don't feel regretful when the time has already crept away from our fingertips. at that time, it is late. because time will never waiting for us.