


1 share (sth) (with sb) have or use (sth) with others; have (sth) in common
与别人共有或合用(某物); 在(某方面)有共同之处: There's only one bedroom, so
we'll have to share. 只有一个卧室, 所以我们得合着用. * share a
bed, room, house, etc 合用一张床﹑ 一个房间﹑ 一所房子等 * share
sb's belief, faith, optimism, etc 与某人有共同的信仰﹑ 信念﹑ 乐观态度等 * He shares my fears about a possible war. 他和我一样害怕有可能发生战争. *
We both share the credit for (ie were both
responsible for) this success. 做成这件事我们俩都有功劳. *
Will you share your pen with me? 我能与你合用你的笔吗?

2 [Ipr, Tn] share (in) sth have a share in sth; participate in sth
分摊或分享某事物; 参与某事物: I will share (in) the cost with you.
我愿与你分摊费用. * She shares (in) my troubles as well
as my joys. 她与我同甘共苦.
3 [Tn, Tn.pr] share sth (with sb)
tell sb about sth 将某事告诉某人: She won't share her secret
(with us). 她不肯把她的秘密告诉我们. * I want to share my
news with you. 我想把我得到的消息告诉你.
5 (idm 习语) share and share
a`like (saying 谚) share things equally 事事均分:
Don't be so selfish it's share and share alike in this
house. 别这麽自私--在这所房子里要事事均分.追问

I certainly have had my share of beauty中的share 如何解释?



第1个回答  2013-12-21