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my name is named by my parents. A name is a code which stands for a person.Thinking about the wealth, fame and status carefully, all of these cannot represent one forever whatever you were born or dead. Parents and wife and husband may go around without you. However your name can follow you all of your life even you died, what refers to you is your name. When you step into the society, the first mark is your name.It can not only define a one but include the dear wish and your vision.
第1个回答  2015-05-13
I am named by my parents. A name is what represents one and only one person. If you think closely, wealth, fame, or the social status cannot represents a person eternally. These things cannot be brought to life, nor can it be gone along with death. Parents and spouses cannot always remain with the person, and they might even go after what they desired too. However, a name can follow person where he or she goes, even after death. The first thing people notices will always be the person's name. Not only can names be used to identify people, names also includes the endearing hopes and ambitions, and to pursuit people to work and behavor upon their names. Names are capable to keeping the people behave and to stay on their toes. Chinese people uses Chinese characters for names. Not only are Chinese characters known as Chinese specialties, they also have a great impact to other Asian countries. The charm to Chinese characters is that every single character have its own meanings, as well as double meanings. The meanings behind the Chinese characters changes as they are used differently with each other, coming up with beautiful and meaningful poems and lyrics. Names have great impacts to the people. If the name does not sound good, it can bring the name owner negative influences. In contrast, a good name is the key to the person's hidden potential, as well as something lyrical and beautiful, that is able to attract people,
第2个回答  2015-04-24
my name is named by my parents only can stand for one person. thinking about the wealth,fame and status,. all of those can not represent one forever whatever you were born or dead. your parents, lovers can not be with you forever, but your name can be for youself even when you dead. the first identification is your name in society when you make connection with others that is not only recognise a person also include desir ang hope.
the sence of name is to be a kind person stuglled hard for your life .
name can encourage people to things honetly,realise your dream .
chinese use chinese to name ,chinese i s not only stand for chinese character bue also influses the other counties.
the charm of chinese character have different lots of meanings. Tang and Song poetry, yuan and other simple Chinese characters express the endless artistic conception.
第3个回答  2015-05-01
I am named by my parents.A name is a code that stands only for one person.Think about it.Wealth,fame,status can never represent a person on a permanent basis,for they are neither something you are born with nor dead with.Parents can't be with you for a whole life,and husbands and wives go apart.But your name stays with you forever.And even when you becomes ashes,it is still your name that represents you.While dealing with others,the first to notice is his name.Not only names are employed to identify us,they are also the embodiment of good wishes.
Names sometimes can drive people to behave in a honest way in order to fulfill a bigger dream.
It's rooted in history that Chinese choose chinese characters as their name,as they feature chinese culture,and have exerted a profound influence on other Asian countries.The glamour of chinese characters consists in that every single word has its unique meaning and a bunch of them even possess mutiple meanings,adding to its special charm.For example,Tang Poems take on significant meanings beyond their simple words.
A name can have some bearing on a person.If the name is lousy,it is likely to bring about some negative effects.Visa versa,a good name is a key to realizing one's potential and drawing others' attention.
第4个回答  2015-04-12